Instructor(s): Michael Saini

Note: One meeting second and fourth Tuesday of every month excluding December 2023.  (September 12, September 26, October 9, October 23, November 14, and November 21, 2023).

This seminar is a required course for students in one of the final two years of the J.D./M.S.W. combined degree program and is open to MSW students enrolled in the Faculty of Social Work and to JD students enrolled in the Faculty of Law. The seminar will meet twice a month for two hours.

The primary purpose of the seminar is to explore the multiple intersections between law and social work. This exploration will be situated within a broader set of ideas and debates about "disciplines", "multi-disciplinarity" and "inter-disciplinarity". The manner in which theories, practices and interventions have been developed in relation to particular disciplines or professions will be explored, and the strengths and limitations of such approaches exposed in different substantive areas. So too, the potential for multi- or inter-disciplinary approaches will be explored in particular areas. The particular substantive topics to be pursued will vary from year to year, in part depending upon the field practical experiences of students enrolled in the course at any given time, but could include such issues as the intersections of law and social work in the areas of child protection, woman abuse, child custody, mental health, housing, etc.

The course will also examine the often divergent ethical norms governing the practices of law and social work and the implications of this for inter-disciplinary professionals.

Students are required to read all of the assigned readings. In addition, there will be two principal forms of evaluation: 1. Class Preparation: For each class, the students will each be responsible for preparing a 250-500 word comment on one or more of the readings. The written comment can touch on any aspect of the reading. Where possible, students should try to relate the readings to their own experiences working and studying in law and social work. Students will make their comments available to the other group of students and the instructor by no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Friday immediately before the Tuesday class. Comments should be distributed by email. Where email is not an option alternate arrangements shall be made. The Class preparation mark will constitute 50% of your mark. The written comments will constitute 30% and class participation 20% of the class preparation mark. 2. Final Paper: due on the law Faculty’s final day to submit written work. Students are required to write a paper of 5,500 words. The final paper mark will comprise 50% of the overall mark.
Academic year
2023 - 2024

At a Glance

First Term



8 JD


T: 2:10 - 4:00 pm
