The Faculty of Law is very excited to orient our students to the new and refurbished spaces in the Jackman Law Building, Bora Laskin Law Library (located in the Pavilion) and Flavelle House.
Flavelle House is the historic building located at 78 Queens Park, at the south side of the parking lot (Falconer Hall is located at 84 Queens Park at the north side of the lot). Flavelle House and the Jackman Law Building are attached at three levels (Level 01, Level 02 (main floor) and Level 03).
Flavelle House: Key Features and Locations
Level 01
- Multi-Faith/Quiet Activity Space
- Multi-purpose room
- Lockers
- Student kitchen
Level 02 (main floor)
- Rowell Room
- Edward L. Donegan Conference Centre
- Fireplace lounge
- Betty Ho Classroom
- John Willis Classroom
Level 03
- Associate Dean, J.D. Program
- Assistant Dean, J.D. Program
- Assistant Dean, Office of the Associate Dean
- Executive Director, Dean’s Office
- Chief Administrative Officer
- Director of Finance and Operation and Finance office staff
Level 04
- Pro Bono Students Canada
- International Human Rights Program
- Law in Action Within Schools
- Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights
- Assistant Dean, Advancement, and staff
- Manager, Academic/Personal Counselling and Wellness office (room 420)
Jackman Law Building: Key Features and Locations
Level 01
- Classrooms:
- P120 Bennett Lecture Hall
- P115 Penelope Tan Classroom
- P105 Classroom
- J140 Professor A.V. Dicey Classroom
- J125 Dentons Canada LLP Classroom
- J130 Davies Ward Philips & Vineberg LLP Classroom
- Lenczner Slaght Royce Smith Griffin LLP Bookstore
- Lockers
Level 02 (main floor)
- Classrooms:
- J225 Gilbert’s LLP Classroom
- J230 Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Classroom
- J250 Rosalie Silberman Abella Moot Court Room
- Brent Belzberg and George Grossman Moot Court Suite
- Goodmans LLP Café
- Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Atrium
- Law school reception
- Bora Laskin Law Library Entrance
Level 03
- Faculty offices
- Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Student Services Wing (Admissions, Financial Aid, Career Development, Records)
- Lax O’Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb Student Programs Office
- Aboriginal Law Program Coordinator Office
- Aboriginal Law Students Association Office
- Experiential Education Manager Office (vacant)
- Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLP SLS Office
- Jean Fraser and Tom Rahilly Student Journal Suite
Level 04
- Martin L. Friedland Dean’s Suite
- Faculty offices