Investor Protection Clinic

The Investor Protection Clinic (“IPC”) provides free legal services and public legal education to members of vulnerable communities who are at risk of suffering harm, or may have suffered harm, relating to their investments. Informed by our clients’ experiences, the Clinic engages in a broad range of activities to educate the community and promote investor protection and rights. We focus on helping the elderly, newcomers to Canada, and others who may not be able to afford legal representation.

The IPC provides law students with unique experiential learning opportunities through assisting clients with their legal claims, developing and delivering public legal education, and collaborating with regulators and key stakeholders on policy projects and litigation. Law students work directly with clients, engage in negotiation and advocacy, develop practical legal skills, and learn more about administrative law, securities law, and litigation.

First year students (1Ls), and upper year students (2Ls and 3Ls) can volunteer at the Clinic through our Volunteer Working Groups. Upper year students can enrol in the Investor Protection clinical course for academic credit. For detailed course information, see the Course List (under “Clinical Legal Education”).

Please note that the IPC is not currently accepting new clients. If you would like to learn more about the IPC, please contact us.

Investor Protection Clinic University of Toronto,
Faculty of Law
78 Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C5