| Frontiers of Gender Equality: Transnational Legal Perspectives University of Pennsylvania Press, 2023 ISBN: 9781512823561 This book introduces new and different discourses about the wrongs of gender discrimination, multiple dimensions of gender equality, the use of intersectionality, and the perspective of the person who experiences discrimination. Table of Contents Publisher's webpage (Americas) (Rest of the world) Introduction: "Many Paths to Gender Equality" Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective: Cases and ControversiesUniversity of Pennsylvania Press, 2014 ISBN 978-0-8122-4627-8 This book offers a fresh look at significant transnational legal developments in recent years, examining key judicial decisions, constitutional texts, and regulatory reforms of abortion law in order to envision ways ahead. |

| Gender Stereotyping: Transnational Legal PerspectivesUniversity of Pennsylvania Press, 2009 ISBN 978-0-8122-4214-0 Drawing on domestic and international law, as well as on judgments given by courts and human rights treaty bodies, Gender Stereotyping offers perspectives on ways gender stereotypes might be eliminated through the transnational legal process in order to ensure women's equality and the full exercise of their human rights. |

| Reproductive and Sexual rights, which are guaranteed in constitutions and in international and regional human rights treaties, have no impact if they are not recognized and enforced by national-level courts. Legal Grounds III continues to provide much needed information about whether and how national courts of African countries apply human rights laws to decisions that affect the rights of women and others. The case summaries and thematic highlights can be useful resources for advocates seeking to further develop litigation, advocacy, and capability building strategies. |
Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective: Cases and Controversies, ed. Rebecca J. Cook, Joanna N. Erdman and Bernard M. Dickens, Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights Series, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014. Table of Contents. Publisher's webpage. Introduction online at SSRN.
Table of Cases online with links to many court decisions.
Tabla de Casos/Jurisprudencia en línea con enlaces a muchas de las decisiones judiciales
¡Ahora en español! (Agusto 2016) folleto con sumario (Now in Spanish - link to flyer with table of contents)
Impreso o edición electrónica disponible del FCE (link to Spanish book and eBook available from FCE)
Gender Stereotyping: Transnational Legal Perspectives, by Rebecca J. Cook and Simone Cusack, Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights Series, University of Pennsylvania Press 2010.
Reproductive Health and Human Rights: Integrating Medicine, Ethics and Law - an authoritative textbook to equip lawyers, health care providers, administrators and women's health advocates with human rights principles, case studies and information resources in the protection and promotion of reproductive health. It includes fifteen case studies of recurrent problems faced by medical professionals, particularly in resource-poor settings.
Reproductive Health: Case Studies with Ethical Commentary -31 case studies for training health care providers and administrators (Haifa: UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, 2006).
Health and Human Rights, ed. R. J. Cook and C. Ngwena, Ashgate Publishing, 2007.
Legal Grounds: Reproductive and Sexual Rights in African Commonwealth Courts (2005) summaries of 59 cases
Legal Grounds II: Reproductive and Sexual Rights in African Commonwealth Courts (2010)
summaries of 45 cases and legal analyses
Legal Grounds III: Reproductive and Sexual Rights in Sub-Saharan African Courts (2017)
54 court decisions from 2008-2016 Flyer with Table of Contents. Entire book, 228-pages, online here,
Print copies available, e.g. for courses, conferences or organizations - See flyer for details. Updates
Manuals for Advocacy in Reproductive and Sexual Health Law - including guides to the African, European and Inter-American Human Rights Systems, International Human Rights Treaties and United Nations Treaty-Monitoring Bodies
Spanish Language Publications
Recent Reports
Cook, R.J. State Obligations to Eliminate Polygyny under International Law, Expert Report for the Attorney General of Canada, submitted to the Supreme Court of British Columbia, July 16, 2010, 105 pages.
Cook, R.J. & Lisa Kelly, La polygynie et les obligations du Canada en vertu du droit international en matière de droits de la personne, Rapport de recherche, (Ottawa, Ministere de la Justice, Canada, Septembre 2006)
Selected Articles
- "Abortion" [Comparative Abortion Law] by Rebecca J. Cook and Bernard M. Dickens in Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, 3rd ed. (2023). Full text online.
- “Constitutionalizing Abortion in Brazil,".by Marta Machado and Rebecca J. Cook, Revista de Investigações Constitucionais / Journal of Constitutional Research, Curitiba, vol. 5, n. 3, p. 185-231, set./dez. 2018. 47 pages.
-----Portuguese article.
-----English abstract and Article. - Decriminalization of Abortion: A Human Rights Imperative,by Joanna N. Erdman and Rebecca J. Cook, Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology 62 (Jan. 2020): 11-24. Abstract and article.
- Human Rights and Maternal Health: Exploring the Effectiveness of the Alyne Decision, by Rebecca J. Cook in The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 41.1 (Spring 2013): 103-123.
--- Spanish edition, published in Agosto de 2014, 15 Revista Argentina de Teoría Jurídica 1-35
---Portuguese text. Portuguese edition, published in Brazilian journal, Interesse Publico 86 - Ethical and Legal Issues in Reproductive Health: columns in the International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics (IJGO)
- Exploring Fairness in Health Care Reform
- Human Rights Dynamics of Abortion Law Reform
- [Conscientious objection]: "The Right to Conscience" by Bernard M. Dickens, chapter 10 in Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective: Cases and Controversies, ed. Rebecca J. Cook, Joanna N. Erdman, and Bernard M. Dickens (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014) pp. 347-369, 450n-456n. Ahora disponible en español.
- The Injustice of Unsafe Motherhood, by Rebecca J. Cook and Bernard M. Dickens, Developing World Bioethics 2.1 (2002): 64-81.
- Modern Day Inquisitions (2011), by Rebecca J. Cook. University of Miami Law Review, Vol. 65, No. 3, pp. 767-796, 2011.
- Structures of Discrimination, by Rebecca J. Cook (2012), Macalester International: Vol. 28, Article 8.
- Women's Access to Health Care - The Legal Framework
- Accommodating Women's Differences under the Women's Anti-Discrimination Convention
- Article 12 (Health) by Veronica Undurraga and Rebecca J. Cook, in The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: A Commentary, 2nd edition (2023)
- Stigmatized Meanings of Criminal Abortion Law.chapter 16 in Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective: Cases and Controversies, ed. Rebecca J. Cook, Joanna N. Erdman, and Bernard M. Dickens (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014) pp. 347-369, 450n-456n. Ahora disponible en español.
Reservations to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women,
30 Virginia Journal of International Law, 643-709 (1990). (available through Hein Online)
Other Publications