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Lawless Zones, Rightless Subjects: Migration, Asylum and Shifting Border
(Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2024)
The Shifting Border: Legal Cartographies of Migration and Mobility
(Critical Powers Series, Manchester University Press, 2020)
2022 C.B. Macpherson Prize, Shortlisted Finalist, Awarded every two years for "best book in political theory"
From the Prize Jury's citation: The Shifting Border "opens up generative conceptual and legal terrain for
readers to contemplate the implications of accepting the terms of the shifting border by subverting them. An important
impact of Dr. Shachar’s analysis is to reorient theoretical and practical examinations of boundaries in contemporary times."
Symposium Issue on The Shifting Border appeared in the European Journal of Political Theory
The Oxford Handbook of Citizenship
(Oxford University Press, 2017 & 2020)
The Birthright Lottery: Citizenship and Global Inequality
(Harvard University Press, 2009)
2010 Notable Book, International Ethics Book Award, International Studies Association, in recognition of the book's "superior scholarship and contribution to the field of international ethics"
Herbert Jacob Book Prize Finalist, Law & Society Association
Featured in Edge, Nexus, Rorotoko, Yale Law Report, American Journal of Comparative Law, Osgoode Hall Law Journal, Political Theory, Ethics & International Affairs, Tikkun, Harvard Law Review, Yale Journal of International Law, Literary Review of Canada, La Revue Nouvelle (partial list)
Special-Issue Symposiums devoted to The Birthright Lottery:
Issues in Legal Scholarship (2011) (with contributions by Rogers Smith, Mark Tushnet, Rainer Baubock,
Saskia Sassen, among others, symposium editor: Leti Volpp)
Perspectives on Politics (2011)
Les Ateliers de l'ethique (2012)
Multicultural Jurisdictions: Cultural Differences and Women’s Rights
(Cambridge University Press, 2001; Cambridge online publication 2009) (view on Google Books)
Winner of the 2002 Best First Book Award, American Political Science Association, Foundations Political Theory Section, Awarded August 2002.
Selected by the Editors of Political Studies Review as one of the five best newly published books that “make a significant contribution to the study of political theory and political philosophy, or are likely to be of wide interest in the field” (five titles were awarded this distinction in 2001 out of approximately 1,500 books reviewed that year).
Reviewed in: American Political Science Review, Australian Journal of Philosophy, Canadian Journal of Ethnic Studies, Contemporary Political Theory, International Journal of Legal Information, Journal of Moral Philosophy, Michigan Law Review, Michigan Journal of International Law, Political Theory, Social Theory and Practice.
Multicultural Jurisdictions has been cited by the Supreme Court of Canada (Bruker v. Marcovitz, 2007 SCC 54) and by governmental commissions and reports (e.g. Ministry of the Attorney General, Dispute Resolution in Family Law: Protecting Choice, Promoting Inclusion), and most recently, by the head of the Anglican Church, the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams in a major speech on state and religion delivered in Lambeth Palace.
Ayelet Shachar and Seyla Benhabib, “Bordering and Ordering:
The Reconfiguration of Rights, Territory, and Jurisdiction”
Lawless Zones, Rightless Subjects: Migration, Asylum and Shifting Borders
Seyla Benhabib and Ayelet Shachar, eds.
(Cambridge University Press, 2025), 1-25
Ayelet Shachar, “On Being a Female Law Professor: Dispatches from the Frontline”
International Journal of Constitutional Law 22 (forthcoming 2025)
Ayelet Shachar and Daniel Ghezelbash, “How ‘Ideas Travel’ in Immigration Law and Policy”
Oxford Handbook of Comparative Immigration Law
Kevin Cope, Stella Burch Elias and Jill Goldenziel, eds.
(Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2025)
Ayelet Shachar, “Slicing the Gordian Knot of Sovereignty and Migration Control”
American Journal of International Law AJIL Unbounded 108 (2024), 188-192
Ayelet Shachar, "Solidarity in Place? Hope and Despair in Postpandemic Membership"
Ethics & International Affairs 36 (2023), 487-504
Translated to German under the title “Wie weit reicht die Solidarität?” in
Drawing Boundaries and Crossing Borders: Migration in Theorie und Praxis
(Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2024), 57-77
Ayelet Shachar, "Instruments of Evasion: The Global Dispersion of Rights-Restricting Migration Policies"
California Law Review 110 (2022), 967-1009
Ayelet Shachar, "Reply to My Critics" (Symposium on The Shifting Border)
European Journal of Political Theory 21 (2022), 615-623
Ayelet Shachar and Aaqib Mahmood, "The Body as the Border: A New Era"
Historical Social Research 46 (2021), 124-150
Ayelet Shachar, "Unequal Access: Wealth as Barrier and Accelerator to Citizenship"
Citizenship Studies 25 (2021), 543-563
Ayelet Shachar, “Beyond Open and Closed Borders: The Grand Transformation of Citizenship”
Jurisprudence 11 (2020), 1-27
Ayelet Shachar, “Wide Angle - Shifting Borders: Invisible, But Very Real”
The UNESCO Courier: A Whole New World, Reimagined by Women, 2020 n°2 (2020), 32-34
Established in 1948, The UNESCO Courier is the most widely distributed UN publication worldwide;
This article appeared in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese
Ayelet Shachar, “On the Verge of Citizenship: Negotiating Religion and Gender Equality”
The Oxford Handbook of Global Legal Pluralism
Paul Schiff Berman, ed. (Oxford University Press, 2020), 1017-1043
Ayelet Shachar, “Borders in Time of COVID-19”
Ethics & International Affairs Online Exclusive (2020)
"Foreword: Spatial Statism" (with Ran Hirschl)
ICON International Journal of Constitutional Law 17 (2019), 387-438
"Disruptive Innovation: Family Migration and Gender Justice"
Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 20 (2019), 13-33
"The Marketization of Citizenship in an Age of Restrictionism"
Ethics & International Affairs 32 (2018), 3-13
"Golden Visas, Dreams & Ethics in Immigration"
Ethics & International Affairs Author Interview with Ayelet Shachar/Carnegie Council Podcast
"Competing Orders? The Challenge of Religion to Modern Constitutionalism" (with Ran Hirschl)
The University of Chicago Law Review 85 (2018), 425-455
"Constituting Citizens: Oaths, Gender, Religious Attire"
Canada in the World: Comparative Perspectives on the Canadian Constitution
Edited by Richard Albert and David Cameron
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017), 123-152
"Citizenship for Sale?"
The Oxford Handbook of Citizenship
Edited by Ayelet Shachar, Rainer Baubock, Irene Bloemraad and Maarten Vink
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), 789-816
"Squaring the Circle of Multiculturalism: Religious Freedom and Gender Equality in Canada"
Law and Ethics of Human Rights 10 (2016), 31-69
"Selecting by Merit: The Brave New World of Stratified Mobility"
Migration in Political Theory: The Ethics of Movement and Mobility
Edited by Sarah Fine and Lea Ypi
(Oxford University Press, 2016), 175-201
"Law, Religion and Gender"
Routledge Handbook of Law and Religion
Edited by Silvio Ferrari
(Routledge, 2015), 321-336
"The Search for Equal Membership in the Age of Terror"
After the Paris Attacks: Responses in Canada, Europe and Around the World
Edited by Edward M. Iacobucci and Stephen J. Toope
(University of Toronto Press, 2015), 65-73
"On Citizenship, States, and Markets" (with Ran Hirschl)
Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (2014), 231-257
Reprinted in Political Theory Without Borders
(Edited by Robert E. Goodin and James S. Fishkin, John Wiley & Sons, 2016)
"Citizenship and the 'Right to Have Rights'"
Special Issue - Citizenship in a Globalized World: The Experience of Immigrant Democracies
Edited by Ayelet Shachar and Geoffrey Brahm Levey
Citizenship Studies 18 (2014), 113-242
"Family Matters: Is there Room for 'Culture' in the Courtroom?"
Criminal Law and Cultural Diversity
Edited by Will Kymlicka, Matt Matravers and Claes Lernestedt
(Oxford University Press, 2014), 119-152
"The Constitutional Boundaries of Religious Accommodation"
Constitutional Secularism in an Age of Religious Revival
Edited by Susanna Mancini and Michel Rosenfeld
(Oxford University Press, 2014), 175-191
"Recruiting 'Super Talent': The New World of Selective Migration Regimes" (with Ran Hirschl)
Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 20 (2013), 71-107
"Entangled: Family, Religion and Human Rights"
Human Rights: The Hard Questions
Edited by Cindy Holder and David Reidy
(Cambridge University Press, 2013), 115-135
"Interpretation Sections (27 & 28) of the Canadian Charter"
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms/
Charte canadienne des droits et libertés
Edited by Errol Mendes and Stephane Beaulac
(5th ed, LexisNexis, 2013), 147-190
Reprinted in Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 61 (2013), 147-190
"Entailed Citizenship" (with Ran Hirschl)
Inherited Wealth, Justice and Equality
Edited by John Cunliffe and Guido Erreygers
(Routledge, 2013), 81-97
"Talent Matters: Immigration Policy-Setting as a Competitive Scramble among Jurisdictions"
Wanted and Welcome? Hightly-Skilled Immigration Policies in Comparative Perspective
(Edited by Phil Triadafilopouslos, Springer, 2013), 85-104
"The Missing Link: Rootedness as a Basis for Membership"
Varieties of Sovereignty and Citizenship
Edited by Sigal Ben-Porath and Rogers M. Smith
(University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013), 124-146
Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law
Edited by Andras Sajo and Michel Rosenfeld
(Oxford University Press, 2012), 1002-1019
Awarded the American Political Science Association
Inaugural Migration & Citizenship Section Chapter Award
"Demystifying Culture"
I-CON International Journal of Constitutional Law 10 (2012), 429-448
"Just Membership: Between Ideals and Harsh Realities"
Les Ateliers de l'ethique/The Ethics Forum 7 (2012), 70-87
"Highly Skilled Immigration: The New Frontier of International Labor Migration"
ASIL (American Society of International Law) Proceedings of the 105th Annual Meeting (2012), 415-419
"Picking Winners: Olympic Citizenship and Global Race for Talent"
Yale Law Journal 120 (2011), 2088-2139
"The Birthright Lottery: Response to Interlocutors"
Issues in Legal Scholarship 9 (2011)
"Earned Citizenship: Property Lessons for Immigration Reform"
Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities 23 (2011), 110-158
"The Return of the Repressed: Constitutionalism, Pluralism and Religion"
I-CON International Journal of Constitutional Law 8 (2010), 665-670
"State, Religion, and the Family: The New Dilemmas of Multicultural Accommodation"
Shari'a in the West
Edited by Rex Ahdar and Nicholas Aroney
(Oxford University Press, 2010), 115-133
"Global Gender Inequality and the Empowerment of Women"
Perspectives on Politics 8 (2010), 279-281
"Faith in Law? Diffusing Tensions between Equality and Diversity"
Philosophy & Social Criticism 36 (2010), 394-411
Featured in Human Rights Blog, June 12, 2012!/2012/06/shacher-faith-in-law-diffusing-tensions.html/
Reprinted in Marriage and Divorce in a Multi-Cultural Context:
Reconsidering the Boundaries of Civil Law and Religion
(Edited by Joel Nichols, Cambridge University Press, 2011), 341-356
"Freedom of the Dress: Religion and Women's Rights in Secular States"
Harvard International Review 32 (2010), 53-59
"The New Wall of Separation: Permitting Diversity, Restricting Competition"
Cardozo Law Review 30 (2009) (with Ran Hirschl), 2535-2560
"The Future of National Citizenship: Going, Going, Gone?"
University of Toronto Law Journal 59 (2009), 579-590
"What We Owe Women? The View from Multicultural Feminism"
Toward a Humanist Justice: The Work of Susan Moller Okin
Edited by Debra Satz and Rob Reich
(Oxford University Press, 2009), 143-165
"Privatizing Diversity: A Cautionary Tale from Religious Arbitration in Family Law"
Theoretical Inquiries in Law 9 (2008), 573-607
The major policy recommendations of this work are discussed by the 2009 Report of the International Council on Human Rights Policy (ICHRP)
When Legal Worlds Overlap: Human Rights, State and Non-State Law
Reprinted in Feminism, Law, and Religion
(Edited by Marie A. Failinger, Elizabeth Schiltz and Susan Stabile, Ashagate, 2013)
Reprinted in Gender, Religion, and Family Law
(Edited by Lisa Fishbayn Joffe and Sylvia Neil, Bradneis University Press, 2013)
"Citizenship and Global Distribution of Opportunity”
Citizenship Between Past and Future
Edited by Engin F. Isin, Peter Nyres and Bryan Turner
(Routledge, 2008), 139-149
“Citizenship as Inherited Property” (with Ran Hirschl)
Political Theory 35 (2007), 253-287
To be reprinted in Citizenship and Constitutional Law
(Edited by Jo Shaw, Edward Elgar, forthcoming)
Cited in McAtreer v. Attorney General of Canada
Ontario Superior Court, 2013 ONSC 5985 (constitutionality of citizenship oath)
“The Shifting Border of Immigration Regulation”
Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties 3 (2007), 165-193
Reprinted in Michigan Journal of International Law 30 (2009), 809-839
Reprinted in Immigration and Nationality Law Review 28 (2007), 387-406
[Annual anthology of the most seminal law review articles on immigration and nationality published in the previous year]
“Feminism and Multiculturalism: Mapping the Terrain”
Multiculturalism and Political Theory
Edited by David Owen and Anthony Laden
(Cambridge University Press, 2007), 115-148
“The ‘Worth’ of Citizenship in an Unequal World”
Theoretical Inquiries in Law 8 (2007), 367-388
“Against Birthright Privilege: Redefining Citizenship as Property”
Identities, Affiliations, and Allegiances
Edited by Seyla Benhabib and Ian Shapiro
(Cambridge University Press, 2007), 257-281
“The Race for Talent: Highly Skilled Migrants and Competitive Immigration Regimes"
NYU Law Review 81 (2006), 148-206
Reprinted in Immigration and Nationality Law Review 27 (2006), 143-202
[Annual anthology of the most seminal law review articles on immigration and nationality published in the previous year]
“Religion, State, and the Problem of Gender: New Modes of Citizenship and Governance in Diverse Societies”
McGill Law Journal 50 (2005), 49-88
Translated into Italian, excerpted version appeared in Politica & Societa 4 (2009), 31-58
“Constitutional Transformation, Gender Equality, and Religious/National Conflict in Israel: Tentative Progress through the Obstacle Course,” (with Ran Hirschl)
The Gender of Constitutional Jurisprudence
Edited by Beverly Baines and Ruth Rubio-Marin
(Cambridge University Press, 2005), 205-229.
“Children of a Lesser State: Sustaining Global Inequality through Citizenship Laws”
NOMOS: Child, Family, and the State
Edited by Stephen Macedo and Iris Marion Young
(New York University Press, 2003), 345-397
“The Thin Line between Imposition and Consent: A Critique of Birthright Membership Entitlements and their Implications”
Breaking the Cycles of Hatred: Memory, Law and Repair
Edited by Martha Minow and Nancy Rosenblum
(Princeton University Press, 2002), 200-235
“Two Critiques of Multiculturalism”
Cardozo Law Review 23 (2001), 253-297
“On Citizenship and Multicultural Vulnerability”
Political Theory 28 (2000), 64-89
“The Puzzle of Interlocking Power Hierarchies: Sharing the Pieces of Jurisdictional Authority”
Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 35 (2000), 385-416
Recipient of the Scholarly Paper Award Committee Honorable Mention
Canadian Association of Law Teachers (CALT), Awarded April 2001
“Should Church and State be Joined at the Altar? Women’s Rights and the Multicultural Dilemma,”
Citizenship in Diverse Societies
Edited by Will Kymlicka and Wayne Norman
(Oxford University Press, 2000), 199-223
“Whose Republic? Citizenship and Membership in the Israeli Polity”
Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 13 (1999), 233-272
Reprinted in From Migrants to Citizens: Membership in a Changing World
Edited by T. Alexander Aleinikoff and Douglas Klusmeyer
(Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2000), 386-433
“The Paradox of Multicultural Vulnerability: Individual Rights, Identity Groups, and the State” (with commentary by Will Kymlicka)
Multicultural Questions
Edited by Christian Joppke and Steven Lukes
(Oxford University Press, 1999), 87-129
“Reshaping the Multicultural Model: Group Accommodation and Individual Rights,”
Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues 8 (1998): 83-111
Winner of the J.S.D. Tory Writing Award, Awarded November 1997
“Group Identity and Women’s Rights in Family Law: The Perils of Multicultural Accommodation”
Journal of Political Philosophy 6 (1998), 285-305
Reprinted in Religion and Human Rights:
Critical Concepts in Religious Studies
Edited by Nazila Ghanea
(Routledge, 2010), 175-197
Reprinted in Gender & Rights
Edited by Deborah L. Rhode and Carol Sanger
(Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005), 249-269
“Minority Rights in International Law,” (with Nathan Lerner)
Israel Yearbook of Law
(Tel Aviv: Israel Bar Association, 1993) [Hebrew]
“The Sexuality of Law: The Legal Discourse of Rape,”
Tel Aviv University Law Review 18 (1993), 159-199 [Hebrew]
Winner of the Una Weiler Junior Scholar Excellence Award
Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law, Awarded May 1994
Encyclopedia Entries and Book Reviews
“The Reinvention of Territoriality”
Max Planck Society Yearbook (2017)
Encyclopedia of Modern Political Thought
Edited by Gregory Claeys (Sage/CQ Press, 2013)
“The Law of Return"
Immigration and Asylum Encyclopedia
Edited by Matthew J. Gibney and Randall Hansen (Oxford: ABC-CLIO, 2005)
Review of Jan Feldman, “Lubavitchers as Citizens: A Paradox of Liberal Democracy,”
Perspectives on Politics 2 (2004)
Review of Daniel Levy and Yfaat Weiss (eds.)
“Challenging Ethnic Citizenship: German and Israeli Perspectives on Immigration,”
American Journal of Sociology 109 (2003)
Review of Andrea T. Baumeister, “Liberalism and the ‘Politics of Difference,’”
The Philosophical Quarterly 52 (2002)
Review of Martha C. Nussbaum, “Women and Human Development: The Capabilities Approach,”
Political Studies 49 (2001)
Editorial Board Memberships
Advisory Board Member, Oxford Studies of Migration and Citizenship Series, Oxford University Press (2020-present)
Advisory Board Member, Politics of Citizenship and Migration Series,Springer (2015-2020)
Advisory Board Member, Law & Ethics of Human Rights (2009-present)
Editorial Board Member, Citizenship Studies(2010-2013)
Editorial Board Member, Diversities (MPI-MMG/UNESCO, 2010-present)
Editorial Board Member, Ethnicities (2008-present)
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Politics (2015-2020)
Editorial Board Member, University of Toronto Law Journal (2009-2015)
External Reviewer (peer-review journals, publishers, research institutes)
American Political Science Review; Canadian Journal of Family Law; Canadian Journal of Political Science; Canadian Journal of Women and the Law; Citizenship Studies; Ethical Theory and Moral Practice; Ethnicities; Harvard Law Review; Indigenous Law Journal; International Journal of Constitutional Law; International Migration; International Migration Review; International Theory, Journal of Law & Equality; Journal of Law & Religion; Journal of Political Philosophy; Journal of Politics; Law & Social Inquiry; McGill Law Journal; Perspectives on Politics; Political Studies; Political Theory; Review of Constitutional Studies; Signs; Social Politics; Stanford Law Review; University of Toronto Law Journal; Yale Law Journal (partial list)
Cambridge University Press
Oxford University Press
The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Radcliffe/Harvard Institute for Advanced Study
Status of Women Canada
Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Israel Science Foundation (ISF)
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Royal Society of New Zealand (Marsden Fund)
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
Keynote Addresses, Plenary Panels, and Endowed Lectures
Keynote Lecture: "An Uncertain World: Charting Citizenship's New Legal Terrain"
The International Society of Public Law (ICON-S) Annual Conference
NYU School of Law, July 1-3, 2015
Keynote Lecture: “Millionaire Migrants and the Commodification of Citizenship”
Taxation and Migration Conference
American Tax Policy Institute, Washington DC, Oct. 17, 2014
"New Approaches to Reconciling Diversity and Equality"
The Impact of Religion: Challenges for Society, Law and Democracy
Plenary Panel: Rethinking Religious-Secular Intersections
Uppsala University, Sweden, May 20-22, 2013
Keytnote Lecutre: "The State (and Religion) of Women's Rights"
Group Autonomy and its Critics: Human Rights Perspectives
Norwegian Centre for Human Rights 25th Anniversary International Confernece
Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Dec. 7-8, 2012
“Entangled: Gender, Religion and Human Rights”
Mellon Sawyer Seminar Series: Democratic Citizenship and the Recognition of Cultural Differences
The Graduate Center, City University of New York Nov. 29, 2012
Keynote Lecutre: “Multiculturalism: Canada’s Export to the World?”
Canada: The Cultural Mosiac and International Law
International Association of Law Librarians Annual Meeting
Toronto, Sept 30-Oct. 4, 2012
Featured in the Peace Palace Library in Hague
“Canada, the Cultural Mosiac and International Law”
Keynote Lecture: “Always Interacting: Three Models of Religious Accommodation”
Religious Legal Theory Conference
Herbert and Elinor Nootbaar Institute on Law, Religion, and Ethics
Pepperdine University, Malibu, Feb. 23-25, 2012
“Demystifying Culture”
Critical Thinkers Public Lecture
Critical Thinkers in Religion, Law, and Social Theory Series
Religion and Diversity Project, University of Ottawa, Feb. 10, 2012
“Citizenship and Global Justice”
The Berlin-Mosse Lecture Series
Humboldt University, Berlin, Dec. 1, 2011
“The Rise of Privatized Diversity: Implications for Feminism and Multiculturalism”
VIII World Congress of Constitutional Law: Constitutions and Principles
Plenary Panel: Principles: Universal, Particular?
Mining Palace, Mexico City, Dec. 6-10, 2010
“Religious Tolerance, Religious Freedom and the State”
[Plenary Panel: Abudullahi An-Na’im, Mark Tushnet, and Ayelet Shachar]
XVIII International Congress of Comparative Law
Washington D.C., July 25-Aug. 1, 2010
“The Birthright Lottery: Citizenship and Global Inequality”
Book Launch and Munk Centre Special Lecture
Munk Centre and Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, Sept. 18, 2009
“Order Beyond the State? The Interface of Religion and Human Rights”
Leipzig University, 600-Jahr Feier, Special Lecture Series
Leipzig, Germany, July 20, 2009
“Multiculturalism and Citizenship”
Keynote Lecture, ReSet Dialogues on Civilizations:
Religion, Human Rights, and Multicultural Jurisdictions
Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey, May 30-June 6, 2009
“On Birthright Citizenship and Global Inequality”
Plenary Panel: The Gendered State of Citizenship
Gender and the Law: Unintended Consequences, Unsettled Questions
[Participants: Baroness Brenda Marjorie Hale (House of Lords, United Kingdom),
Reva Siegel, Linda K. Kerber, Lauren Berland, and Ayelet Shachar]
Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study/Harvard University, March 12-13, 2009
“Gender, Religion, and Human Rights”
Plenary Panel: Human Rights and Identity
[Will Kymlicka, Roderick Macdonald, Ayelet Shachar and Kathleen Mahoney]
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: 60 Years Later;
A Conference to Commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the UN Declaration of Human Rights
Association of Canadian Studies/Trudeau Foundation, Montreal, Dec. 9, 2008
“On Women’s Rights and Religious Diversity”
Plenary Panel: Universality and Identity in an Age of Terror and Globalization
[Participants: Maleiah Malik, Richard Shweder and Joycelyne Cesari, Noah Feldman, and Ayelet Shachar]
Hope, Critique, and Possibility: Universal Rights in Societies of Difference;
Marking the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Harvard Law School/Facing History and Ourselves, Nov. 20, 2008
“Multicultural Citizenship”
Inaugural Public Lecture: Shared Citizenship –
Theory and Practice in Canada Lecture Series
Under the Honorary Patronage of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario,
Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, March 6, 2003
“Multicultural Jurisdictions: Cultural Differences and Women’s Rights”
R. F. Harney Lecture in Ethnic, Immigration, and Pluralism Studies
Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Sept. 19, 2002
“Joint-Governance Regimes in Action”
Keynote Lecture: Ethno-Religious Cultures, Identities and Political Philosophy
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2-5, 2002
Conferences, Workshops and Invited Talks (partial list)
“Citizenship for Sale and the Erosion of Political Equality”
International Law Workshop
University of Michigan Law School, April 13, 2015
“The Search for Equal Membership in the Age of Terror”
'After the Paris Attacks' Conference
Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, March 9, 2015
"The Encounter between the ‘Supreme Law of the Land’ and Privatized Diversity”
Public Religions, Private Communities, and Human Rights Conference
College of Law and Business, Ramat Gan, Israel, Dec. 31-Jan. 1, 2015
"The New Gates of Admission: On Citizenship, States and Markets”
Program in Law and Public Affairs (LAPA) Seminar
Princeton University, Dec. 8, 2014
“Selecting by Merit: The Brave New World of Stratified Mobility”
New Directions in Citizenship and Migration Theory
American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting
Washington, Aug. 28-31, 2014
“Ties Unbound? Transformations of Political Community and the Future of Citizenship”
Rethinking the Boundaries of Public Law and Public Space
International Society of Public Law (ICON-S) Annual Meeting
EUI, Florence, June 26-28, 2014
“The Ethical Frontiers of Citizenship: Revisiting the ‘Who Belongs’ Question”
Commentary on Sue Donalson and Will Kymlicka, Zoopolis (Oxford University Press, 2011)
New Frontiers in Ethics Conference
Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto, April 25, 2014
“Custody Disputes and the Relevance of Religious and Cultural Factors”
Families, Faith, and Functions – The Child in the Intersections of Family, Society and Culture
Faculty of Law, Uppsala University, Sweden, May 22-23, 2013
"Jus Nexi: Rootedness as a Basis for Membership”
Columbia Political Theory Workshop
Columbia University, April 24, 2013
“Olympic Citizenship: Migration and the Global Race for Talent"
Max Planck Institute for Tax and Public Financing
Munich, Germany, Feb. 18, 2013
“Conflicting Rights: Niqabs in Courts in Comparative Perspective”
Faculty of Law Special Roundtable: Reflections on R. v N.S. (Supreme Court of Canada niqab ruling)
University of Toronto Faculty of Law, Toronto, Feb. 4, 2013
“Family Matters: Is There Room for ‘Culture’ in the Courtroom?”
Faculty Workshop
University of New South Wales, Faculty of Law, Sydney, Australia, August 14, 2012
“Religious Minorities and Gender: Conflicting Vulnerablities”
Faith and Globalization Initiative: Religious Minorities and Human Rights
McGill Faculty of Religious Studies, July 19, 2012
“Demystifying Culture”
4th Annual Law & Religion Roundtable
Harvard Law School, June 21-22, 2012
“Commentary: The ECtHR’s Margin of Appreciation - Between Unity and Diversity”
The Changing Landscape of German Constitutionalism Conference
NYU School of Law & Straus Institute, April 22-23, 2012
“State, Religion, and Family: The New Dilemmas of Multicultural Accommodation”
Colloquim in Law and Religion
[Fellow-colloquium participants include: Justice Anthony Scalia, US Supreme Court,
Michael McConnel, Joseph Weiler, Cathleen Kaveny, and Philip Hamburger]
Center for Law and Relgion, St. John’s University, April 16, 2012
“Jus Nexi: Rootedness as a Basis for Membership”
[Commentator: Seyla Benhabib]
Walls and Fences: The Politics and Ethics of Border Barriers Confernece
Yale University, April 13-14, 2012
“Recruting the ‘Best and Brightest’: The New World of Selective Migration Regimes”
Globalization and Law: The Next Twenty Years Confernece
Indiana University Maurer School of Law, Bloomington, April 5-6, 2012
“Demystifying Culture”
Religion, the Constitution, and the State: Contemporary Controversies
Cardozo Law School, Feb. 20, 2012
"Entangled: State, Religion, and the Family"
Religion and Human Rights Seminar
Faculty of Law, Ghent University, Belgium, May 30, 2001
“Membership’s Boundaries: Commentary on ‘The Outsider Within’”
10th Annual Law & Humanities Junior Scholars Workshop
USC Gould School of Law, June 5-6, 2011
“Picking Winners: Olympic Citizenship and the Global Race for Talent”
American Society of International Law (ASIL) Annual Meeting
Labor and Migration in International Law, Washington D.C., Mar. 23-26, 2011
“Faith in Law? Diffusing Tensions between Equality and Diversity”
Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting
Law and Religion Section Panel, San Francisco, Jan. 5-8, 2011
“The Gender of ‘State v. Religion’ Controversies”
Conference on Gender, Sexuality and Democratic Citizenship
Cardozo Law School, New York, Nov. 14-15, 2010
“Earned Citizenship: Property Lessons for Immigration Reform”
Yale Legal Theory Workshop
Yale Law School, Oct. 28, 2010
“Multiculturalism and Minority Rights: Assessing the Role of the State”
American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting
Washington D.C., Sept. 2-5, 2010
Roundtable devoted to The Birthright Lottery
[Participants: Duncan Ivison, Peter Spiro, and Ayelet Shachar]
Citizenship in a Globalized World Conference
Sydney, Australia, July 14-15, 2010
“The New Wall of Separation: Evidence from Canada and South Africa”
Religion in the Public Square Conference
Central European University, Budapest, June 4-5, 2010
The Birthright Lottery: Author-Meets-Readers Roundtable
Law & Society Association (LSA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, May 27-30, 2010
“Picking Winners: Olympic Citizenship and the Global Race for Talent”
Sovereignty and Cosmopolitan Alternatives Conference
Program on Democracy, Citizenship and Constitutionalism
University of Pennsylvania, April 30, 2010
“Earned Citizenship: Property Lessons for Immigration Reform”
Faculty Workshop
University of Maryland School of Law, Jan. 28, 2010
The Birthright Lottery: Author-Meets-Critics Roundtable
Legal Theory Workshop
[Participants: Rogers Smith, Cristina Rodriguez, Ayelet Shachar)
Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, Jan. 15, 2010
“Multiculturalism and Women’s Rights: A Research Agenda”
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity
Gottingen, Germany, Oct. 30, 2009
“Citizenship as Inherited Property”
Immigration and Human Rights Conference
Minerva Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, May 25-27, 2009
“Entangled: State, Religion, and the Family”
[Commentator: Sanford Levinson]
The Constitution and the Family in Comparative Perspective Conference
University of Texas School of Law, Austin, Feb. 20, 2009
“The Shifting Border of Immigration Regulation”
Territory without Boundaries Symposium
University of Michigan Law School, Feb. 6-7, 2009
“The Birthright Lottery: Citizenship and Global Inequality”
[Commentator: Daniel Weinstock]
Legal cultures/Les cultures de droit Lecture Series
Centre de Recherche en Droit Public (CRDP), Montreal, Dec. 10, 2008
“Entangled: State, Religion, and the Family”
Constitutionalism and Secularism in an Age of Religious Revival
Cardozo Law School, Oct. 26-27, 2008
“Brain Drain and Highly Skilled Migrants: Global Justice Remedies”
Workforce Migration: Intended and Unintended Outcomes Panel
Health Human Resources Migration International Policy Symposium
Faculty of Nursing and Medical School, U of Toronto, Sept. 26-27, 2008
“Innovative Migrants: On Skills and Mobility”
Conference on Education, Culture, and the Knowledge Economy
Center for Innovation Law & Policy, University of Toronto, June 6, 2008
“The Global Race for Talent”
Faculty Workshop
Harvard Law School, March 6, 2008
“Privatizing Diversity: A Cautionary Tale from Religious Arbitration in Family Law”
Religion, Citizenship, and Multiculturalism Conference
Harvard Law School, Feb. 29-March 1, 2008
“Where has the U.S. Gone? The Global Race for Talent and Domestic Stalemate”
Workshop on Highly Skilled Immigration Policy
School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Toronto, Feb. 8, 2008
“The Shifting Border of Immigration Regulation”
Roundtable on Immigration Policy
[Participants: Gerald Neuman, Ayelet Shachar, and Deborah Anker]
Harvard Law School, Feb. 7, 2008
“Privatizing Diversity: A Cautionary Tale from Religious Arbitration in Family Law”
Legal Pluralism, Privatization of Law, and Multiculturalism
Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law, May 30-31, 2007
“Citizenship as Inherited Property”
[Commentator: Emmon Callen]
Global Justice/Political Theory Workshop
Stanford University, May 4, 2007
“Birthright Citizenship and Global Inequality”
Center for the Study of Law & Society Seminar Series
Boalt Hall School of Law
University of California, Berkeley, April 23, 2007
“The Race for Talent: Competitive Immigration Regimes”
Faculty Workshop
Stanford Law School, March 7, 2007
“Citizenship as Inherited Property”
[Commentator: Barbara Fried]
Legal Studies Workshop
Stanford Law School, January 18, 2007
“Members and Strangers in the Liberal Polity”
American Association of Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting
Washington DC, January 3–6, 2007
“The Limits of Liberal Citizenship in Republican Polities”
The Politics of Reconciliation in Multicultural Societies
Queen’s University, April 29-30, 2006
“Family Matters: Is there Room for ‘Culture’ in the Courtroom?”
Criminal Law and Cultural Diversity Workshop
Columbia University Law School, March 10–12, 2006
“Democracy Among Whom? Rethinking Birthright Citizenship”
American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting
Washington DC, Sept. 1-4, 2005
“The Politics of Difference and Decolonization”
Columbia, UCLA, Georgetown and USC Law & Humanities Workshop
Georgetown University Law Center, June 12–13, 2005
“The Impact of Religious Pluralism on Women”
Muslim Women’s Equality Rights in the Justice System:
Gender, Religion and Pluralism Symposium
Canadian Council of Muslim Women, Toronto, April 9, 2005
“Integrating Shari’a Law into Ontario’s Statutory Arbitration System:
Perspectives on Marion Boyd’s Report to the Ontario Government”
Constitutional Roundtable
[Brenda Cossman, Lorraine Weinrib, Ayelet Shachar, Lorne Sossin]
Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, February 28, 2005
“Religion and Gender: A Global Clash?”
International Law Workshop
University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, February 14, 2005
“Dilemmas of Gender and Culture: Looking Beyond False Dichotomies”
[Commentator: Catherine MacKinnon]
Toward a Humanist Justice: Honoring the Work of Susan Moller Okin
Stanford University, February 3-5, 2005
“Gender Equality and Legal Pluralism”
American Association of Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting
San Francisco, January 5-8, 2005
“Why do Judges Turn to Comparative Law? Lessons from the Israeli Experience”
American Society of Comparative Law (ASCL) Annual Meeting
University of Michigan Law School, Oct. 21-23, 2004
“Birthright Citizenship as Inherited Property: A Critical Inquiry”
Globalization, Law & Justice Workshop
Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, September 23, 2004
“The State of European Citizenship”
Altneuland: The Constitution of Europe in an American Perspective
NYU School of Law & Princeton University, April 28-30, 2004
“Religion, State, and the Problem of Gender”
Justice across Cultures Conference
International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life
Brandeis University, March 8, 2004
“Against Birthright Privilege: Redefining Citizenship as Inherited Property”
Identities, Affiliations, and Allegiances Conference
Yale University, October 3-5, 2003
“Fostering Ties with Feminist Theory”
APSA Short Course: Women & Politics Section
American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting
Philadelphia, August 27-31, 2003
“Conflicts between Collective and Individual Rights”
& “Sharing Jurisdiction between Groups and the State within a Multicultural Society”
Institute for Human Rights
Abo Akademi University, Finland, June 6-7, 2003
“Children of a Lesser State: Sustaining Global Inequality through Citizenship Laws”
Faculty Workshop
NYU School of Law, April 21, 2003
“Citizenship, Demos, and Democracy”
Jean Monnet Seminar: International Law and Democracy
NYU School of Law, April 2, 2003
“The Thin Line between Imposition and Consent”
American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting
Boston, August 31-Sept. 2, 2002
“Author Meets Readers” Roundtable devoted to Multicultural Jurisdictions
[Participants: Jack Balkin, Abner Greene, Geoff Levey, and Ayelet Shachar]
Joint Canadian and American Law & Society Association (LSA) Meeting
Vancouver, BC, May 30-June 1, 2002
“Conflicting Narratives: The Future of the Canada-US Border”
Revisiting Canada’s Immigration Policy Post-September 11 Conference
Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP), Toronto, May 2-3, 2002
“Sharing the Pieces of Jurisdictional Authority: Mapping the Possibilities”
Membership, Identity and Integration: Creating the Constitutional Citizen
Georgetown University Law Center, Washington D.C., Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2001
“Changing Conceptions of Citizenship”
Security of Freedom: A Conference on Canada’s Anti-Terrorism Bill
Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, November 10-11, 2001
“Law and Diversity: A New Approach to Multicultural Accommodation”
Program in Law and Public Affairs (LAPA)
Princeton University, March 13, 2001
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, February 8, 2001
“Authors as Critics: Multiculturalism in Political Theory”
[Participants: Jacob Levy, Brian Barry, Bhikhu Parekh, Ayelet Shachar]
American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting
Washington DC, Aug. 31-Sept. 2, 2000
“The Troubled Marriage of Church and State:
Mending Jurisdictional Fences in the Multicultural Age” (with Ran Hirschl)
Forum for Philosophy and Public Policy
Queen’s University, April 6, 1999
“On Citizenship, Legal Authority, and Interlocking Power Hierarchies”
Multiculturalism and Struggles for Recognition in Comparative Perspective
Harvard University, March 4-5, 1999
“The Troubled Marriage of Church and State:
Mending Jurisdictional Fences in the Multicultural Age”
Legal Theory Workshop
Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, February 12, 1999
“Whose Republic? Citizenship and Membership in the Israeli Polity”
Third International Metropolis Conference
Zichron Yacov, Israel, Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 1998
“Whose Republic? Citizenship and Membership in the Israeli Polity”
Carnegie Endowment for Peace Comparative Citizenship Project
Warrington VA, June 4-7, 1998
“What We Talk About When We Talk About Multiculturalism”
Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Liberal Democracy Colloquium
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Amsterdam, Netherlands, November 26-28, 1997
“Group Identity and Women’s Rights in Family Law:
The Perils of Multicultural Accommodation”
Feminism & the Law Workshop
Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, October 15, 1997
“The Paradox of Multicultural Vulnerability:
Individual Rights, Identity Groups, and the State”
Multiculturalism, Minorities and Citizenship Conference
European University Institute, Florence, Italy, April 18-23, 1996
Other Professional Engagements (Partial List)
Trustee, AMIAS Board of Trustees, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 2019-2023
Advisory Board Member, Boundaries, Membership & Belonging
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), 2019-2024
Advisory Board Member, Centre for Ethics, Economy and Social Change
Max Planck-Cambridge (Max-Cam), University of Cambridge, 2017-2022
Founding Co-Chair, Max Planck Research Initiative on Migration, Integration and Exclusion (2016-2020)
International Advisory Committee Member, Divorce and Religion: Bridging the Gap between Law and Religion
Funded by NWO, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, Maastricht University, 2013-2017
Lichtenberg-Kolleg, Human Rights, Constitutional Politics and Religious Diversity
Göttingen Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities & Social Sciences, 2015-2017
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