A.I. and the Nature of Disagreement , Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (2024) [with Albert H. Yoon ]
Artificial Intelligence and Judging, Lee Epstein et al, "Oxford Handbook of Comparative Judicial Behavior" (forthcoming 2024)
Comment on “Data Repurposing through Compatibility: A Computational Perspective”, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (forthcoming 2024)
Book review of “Contracting and Contract Law in an Age of Artificial Intelligence”, 47(4) Manitoba Law Journal (2024)
Problems with Probability , University of Toronto Law Journal (2023) [with Anthony J. Casey ]
A Thumb on the Scale for Innovation , Canadian Competition Law Review (2023)
Stronger Enforcement of the Competition Act is Better Than a Dramatic Overhaul , MacDonald Laurier Institute Commentary (February 2023)
The Competition Act, Not the Competitors Act, 67 Canadian Business Law Journal 83 (2023)
The Limits of Public Contract Law, Law & Contemporary Problems (forthcoming 2022) [with Anthony J. Casey ]
The Present and Near Future of Self-Driving Contracts, in Ernest Lim & Philip Morgan (ed), Cambridge Handbook on Private Law and Artificial Intelligence (2022, Cambridge Univ. Press) [with Anthony J. Casey ]
Micro-directives and Computational Merger Review, 1 Stanford Journal of Computational Antitrust 132 (2021) [with Anthony J. Casey ]
Artificial Intelligence and Regulation, in Pina D'Agostino, Carole Piovesan, & Aviv Gaon (ed), Leading Legal Disruption: AI and a Toolkit for Lawyers and the Law (2021, Thomson Reuters)
Predictive Analytics, in Jesse Beatson, Gerald Chan, & Jill Presser (ed), Litigating Artificial Intelligence (2021, Emond Publishing)
Litigation Analytics, in Noah Waisberg & Alexander Hudek (ed), AI for Lawyers: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Law Practice and Careers (2021, Wiley Publishing)
Will Robot Judges Change Litigation and Settlement Outcomes? A First Look at the Algorithmic Replication of Prior Cases, M.I.T. Computation Law Report, vol. 2.0 (2020) [with Anthony J Casey ]
Algorithms as Legal Decisions: Gender Gaps and Canadian Employment Law in the 21st Century, 71 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 112 (2020)
The Effect of a Change in a Legal Rule , in Yun-chien Chang (ed.), Selection and Decision in Judicial Process Around the World: Empirical Inquiries (2020, Cambridge University Press)
Data Analytics and Tax Law , in Roland Vogl , Research Handbook on Big Data Law (2020) [co-authored with Ben Alarie & Albert H. Yoon ]
A Framework for the New Personalization of Law , 86 Univ. of Chicago Law Review 333 (2019) [co-authored with Anthony J. Casey ]
Regulation by Machine , Journal of Machine Learning Research (W&CP) (2017) [co-authored with Ben Alarie & Albert H. Yoon ]
On the Efficiency of the Common Law: An Application to the Recovery of Rewards , 43(3) European Journal of Law & Economics 393 (2017)
Computational Legal Research and the Advocate of the Future , 36 Advocates Quarterly 12 (2017) [co-authored with Ben Alarie & Albert H. Yoon ]
Delaying Declarations of Constitutional Validity, in Frank Fagan & Saul Levmore (eds.), The Timing of Lawmaking (2017, Elgar)
Using Machine Learning to Predict Outcomes in Tax Law , 58(3) Canadian Business Law Journal 231 (2016) [co-authored with Ben Alarie & Albert H. Yoon ]
Self-Driving Laws , 66(4) University of Toronto Law Journal 429 (2016) [co-authored with Anthony J. Casey ]
Law in the Future , 66(4) University of Toronto Law Journal 423 (2016) [co-authored with Benjamin Alarie & Albert H. Yoon ]
Friendly Precedent , 57 William & Mary Law Review 1795 (2016) [co-authored with Albert H. Yoon ]
Judicial Disharmony: A Study of Dissent , 42 International Review of Law & Economics 60 (2015) [co-authored with Albert H. Yoon ]
Hostile Takeovers and Overreliance , 38 Seattle University Law Review 595 (Symposium edition, 2015)
Noise Reduction: The Screening Value of Qui Tam , 91(5) Washington University Law Review 1169 (2014) [co-authored with Anthony J. Casey ]
2013 and earlier
Case-by-Case Adjudication and the Path of the Law , 42(2) Journal of Legal Studies 303 (2013)
Tracking Inconsistent Judicial Behavior , 34 International Review of Law & Economics 9 (2013)
The Evolution of a Legal Rule , 39(2) Journal of Legal Studies 325 (2010) [co-authored with Richard A. Posner and Andrei Shleifer ] -- Reprinted in Andrei Shleifer, The Failure of Judges and the Rise of Regulators (MIT Press, 2012)
Do Judges Cherry Pick Precedents to Justify Extra-Legal Decisions , 70(1) Maryland Law Review 234 (Fall 2010)
Structural and Behavioural Market Power under the Trade Practices Act: An Application to Predatory Pricing , 32(2) Australian Business Law Review 83 (2004) (co-authored with Joshua S. Gans and Stephen P. King )
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