Mandatory vaccinations and the Charter

The Grand Moot 2020

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Online via Zoom or YouTube live stream

Sponsored by McCarthy Tétrault

Members of the Panel

The Honourable Justice Sheilah Martin (SJD 1991)
Supreme Court of Canada

The Honourable Justice Lorne Sossin (PhD 1993 Political Science)
Ontario Court of Appeal

The Honourable Justice Edward Morgan (LLB 1984)
Ontario Superior Court

Grand Mooters

Teodora Pasca and Olivia Eng 


Geri Angelova and Hana Awwad

Student Co-Chief Justices

Saambavi Mano and Alina Yu

Grand Moot Problem (PDF)

Factum of the Appellant (PDF)                     Factum of the Respondent (PDF)