Constitutional Goods - Professor Alan Brudner

Constitutional Goods

Professor Alan Brudner

From the publisher: This book aims to distil the essentials of liberal constitutionalism from the jurisprudence and practice of contemporary liberal-democratic states. It argues that the model liberal-democratic constitution is best understood as a unity of three constitutional frameworks: libertarian, egalitarian, and communitarian. When viewed in this light, the liberal constitution embodies a surprising synthesis. It reconciles a commitment to individual liberty and freedom of conscience with the perfectionist idea that the state ought to cultivate a type of personality whose fundamental ends are the goods essential to dignity.

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Criminal Law (3rd edition)

Professor Kent Roach (Foreword by Professor Emeritus Martin L. Friedland)

Criminal Law (3rd Edition) - Professor Kent RoachFrom the publisher: Since publication of the first edition in 1996, Criminal Law, by Kent Roach, has become one of the best-selling and most highly-regarded titles in Irwin Law's Essentials of Canadian Law series. Professor Roach's clear and concise account of the current state of substantive criminal law and theory in Canada has become essential reading, not only in law schools, but also among judges, practitioners, and others involved in the criminal justice system. This is a thoroughly updated and expanded third edition.




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The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004: From Imperial Bastion to Provincial Oracle

Professor Jim Phillips (Co-editor with Philip Girard, Dalhousie University,
and Barry Cahill, Nova Scotia Archives)

The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004: From Imperial Bastion to Provincial Oracle - Professor Jim PhillipsFrom the publisher: This volume has been prepared to coincide with the 250th anniversary of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, Canada's oldest surviving common law court. The thirteen essays include an account of the first meeting of the court in Michaelmas Term (October) 1754 and surveys of jurisprudence (the court's early federalism cases, its use of American law, and attitudes to the administrative state). There are also chapters on the courts of Westminster Hall, on which the Supreme Court was modelled, in the eighteenth century, and on the various courthouses occupied over the two and a half centuries of the court's existence. Anchoring the volume are two longer chapters, one on the preconfederation period and one on the modern period, which together provide a complete narrative history of the court - a unique contribution to our knowledge of the history of Canadian provincial courts. They take the reader through the establishment of the one-judge court to the present day. Along the way they examine dramatic incidents in the court's history, such as the crises of the near-impeachment of two judges in the 1790s and the Marshall Inquiry of the 1980s. They also deal with the establishment and operation of the circuit system, the removal of judges from overt political roles, the struggle for full judicial independence, the origins of law reporting, the fusion of law and equity, patterns of civil and criminal litigation, and the court's relationship to the bar.

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Sexual Offences in Canadian Law

Professor Hamish Stewart with contributing author John Norris (class of 1991)

Sexual Offences in Canadian Law - Professor Hamish StewartFrom the publisher: The laws that govern the prosecution of sexual offences, and the procedural and evidentiary framework in which these offences are tried, have changed dramatically over the past 25 years. Sexual Offences in Canadian Law provides comprehensive, critical coverage of the substantive, evidentiary, and procedural law governing the prosecution and defence of sexual offences in Canada. Readers will find useful information on the prosecution and defence of historic offences, sexual assault, and offences against children, as well as general rules of evidence that often arise in sexual cases, rules of evidence that are specifically applicable to sexual offences, and sentencing.


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Saúde reprodutiva et direitos humanos: Integrando medicina, ética e direito (revised Portuguese edition of Reproductive Health and Human Rights: Integrating Medicine, Ethics and Law)

Professors Rebecca J. Cook and Bernard M. Dickens, and Mahmoud F. Fathalla (Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Assiut University, Egypt)

Saúde reprodutiva et direitos humanos: Integrando medicina, ética e direito (revised Portuguese edition of Reproductive Health and Human Rights: Integrating Medicine, Ethics and Law) - Professors Rebecca J. Cook and Bernard M. DickensAs a testament to the success and international relevancy of Reproductive Health and Human Rights: Integrating Medicine, Ethics and Law, the book has been translated and revised in two more languages, Spanish and Portuguese. It is currently being translated into French. Plans are underway for the translation of Part II, containing 15 case studies, into Arabic with commentary from Islamic scholars. First published in April 2003 by Oxford University Press, the Spanish version, Salud Reproductiva y Derechos Humanos: Integración de la medicina, la ética y el derecho, was published in December 2003 by Profamilia Colombia in Bogota. Both the Spanish and Portuguese editions include two additional case studies, one on cervical cancer, and the other on miscarriage. The books are being used for teaching in medical and law schools and for training in health professional organizations involved in reproductive and sexual health. Plans are underway to post the detailed table of contents of the book, its introductory chapter and one of its case studies, with an updated section for the book on the Faculty of Law's Women's Human Rights Resources (WHRR) website. WHRR, an online education tool and database of legal documents on international women's human rights, will link to the partner organizations responsible for the language editions of the book.

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Criminal Law and Procedure Cases and Materials (9th edition)

Professor Kent Roach (Co-editor with Gary Trotter, Queen's University, and Patrick Healy, McGill University)

Criminal Law and Procedure Cases and Materials (9th edition) Professor Kent Roach (Co-editor with Gary Trotter, Queen's University, and Patrick Healy, McGill University)From the publisher: Building on Professor Martin Friedland's acclaimed and innovative course materials, this new edition provides a valuable teaching tool for introductory courses on criminal law and criminal justice. Students are provided with an overview of the entire criminal process, from police investigation to sentencing. The completely revised and reorganized ninth edition has expanded coverage of topics such as the new Criminal Code provisions on corporate criminal liability; analysis of new cases, including the recent Supreme Court of Canada cases on spanking and the constitutionality of marijuana offences; and comprehensive coverage on the basic principles of criminal liability, including absolute and strict responsibility and ignorance of the law. Detailed analysis of the various defences is included, as are chapters on police powers, the trial process (based on a case study of the wrongful conviction of Donald Marshall Jr.), and sentencing.

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Cases, Materials and Notes on Partnerships and Canadian Business Corporations (4th edition)

Professor Douglas Harris (Contributing Editor), Dean Ron Daniels, Professors Ed Iacobucci, Ian Lee, Jeff MacIntosh and Jacob Ziegel, and Poonam Puri (a 1995 graduate of the Faculty).

Cases, Materials and Notes on Partnerships and Canadian Business Corporations (4th edition) - Professor Douglas HarrisMany recent graduates of the Faculty will, no doubt, have fond memories of the 3rd edition of this standard casebook on Canadian partnerships and corporate law. Several members of the Faculty have collaborated on an updated edition that takes into account the many developments in this fast-changing area since the 3rd edition was published in 1994. The 4th edition continues to provide a comprehensive examination of the principles of corporate law and the law of partnerships, but also includes an expanded note assessing the application of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to corporations, a comprehensive analysis of the normative debate over insider trading regulation, and a new focus on Canadian cases regarding duties of controlling shareholders.


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