Mohammad Fadel. “Had It Been From Other Than God, They Would Have Found Therein Much Contradiction.” 15 J. Islamic L. & Culture 26 (2014).

Rebecca Cook, with Bernard M. Dickens, “Reducing stigma in reproductive health,” International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 124.2 (February 2014): 134-138.

Markus D. Dubber & Tatjana Hörnle, Criminal Law: A Comparative Approach (Oxford University Press 2014)

Angela Fernandez, "Forget About Noah's Ark," Book Review of Irus Braverman, Zooland: The Institution of Captivity (2012) for JOTWELL (The Journal of Things We Like Lots)

Bernard Dickens. “Ethical and legal aspects of noninvasive prenatal genetic diagnosis,” International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 124.2 (Feb 2014): 181-184.

Yasmin Dawood. “Second-Best Deliberative Democracy and Election Law,” 12 Election Law Journal 410-420 (2013).

Sophia Moreau and D. Hellman, eds. Philosophical Foundations of Discrimination Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, November 2013).

Bernard Dickens, Fernando Zegers-Hochschild and Sandra Dughman-Manzur. “Human Rights to In Vitro Fertilization,” International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 123 (2013) 86–89.

Rebecca Cook. “Human Rights and Maternal Health: Exploring the Effectiveness of the Alyne Decision,” The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 41.1 (Spring 2013): 103-123; translated into Portuguese and forthcoming in Interesse Público 2014.

Ariel Katz. "Beyond Refusal to Deal: A Cross-Atlantic View of Copyright, Competition, and Innovation Policies". 79(1) Antitrust Law Journal 139 (2013) (with Paul-Erik Veel)
