Katz, Ariel, Intellectual Property, Antitrust, and the Rule of Law: Between Private Power and State Power (August 26, 2016). 17:2 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 633 (2016).

Mariana Mota Prado, "The Past and Future Law of Development" (2016) 66 UTLJ  297-300.

Emily Satterthwaite, "Tax Elections as Screens," Queen's Law Journal, Forthcoming, Fall 2016

Anthony Niblett & Albert H. Yoon, 'Friendly Precedent,' 57 William & Mary Law Review (forthcoming 2016)

Edward Iacobucci. “Corporate Fiduciary Duties and Prudential Regulation of Financial Institutions,” (2015) Theoretical Inquiries in Law, 16:1.

Michael Trebilcock and Mariana Mota Prado. Advanced Introduction To Law And Development (UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc., 2014).

Anthony Niblett and Albert H. Yoon, 'Judicial Disharmony: A Study of Dissent,' International Review of Law & Economics (forthcoming 2015)

Michael Trebilcock. Dealing with Losers: The Political Economy of Policy Transitions. Oxford University Press, March 2014.

Edward Iacobucci. “On the Interaction between Legal and Reputational Sanctions.” (2014) 43 Journal of Legal Studies 189.

Anita Anand. “The Value of Governance” Rotman International Journal of Pension Management. Vol. 6, no. 2, (Fall 2013).
