Reflecting on 30 years of s.35
Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
October 25-27
This conference commemorated the constitutional entrenchment in 1982 of Aboriginal and treaty rights in Canada. The event was hosted by the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto on October 25-27, 2012. The conference was aimed at a wide, interdisciplinary audience consisting of academics, lawyers, judges, students, and federal, provincial and First Nation officials and leaders whose work relates to Aboriginal peoples.
Speakers and panelists from Canada and abroad offered their critical reflections on the impact that s. 35(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982 has had on the Canadian constitutional order, Canada’s international commitments, Canadian law and policy, social and economic development, Aboriginal governance, treaty processes, and comparative and international developments. We aimed to receive and engage analysis that addresses contemporary challenges confronting indigenous peoples and their relationships with sovereign states and the international order.
Keynote Address on October 25th, 4pm, 78 Queens Park:
Hon. Justice Murray Sinclair, Chair, Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Conference Rapporteur:
Michael Ignatieff
Agenda (PDF)
Watch the conference online
The conference was recorded and can be viewed online in its entirety. Click on the links below to watch specific sections.
Opening ceremony - Introduction & Keynote Address
Panel One: Recognition and reconciliation I
Panel Two: Indigenous identities
Panel Three: Quebec and the north
Panel Four: Recognition and reform
Panel five: Recognition and reconciliation II
Panel Six: Reconciliation and consultation
Panel Seven: Reconciliation: comparative perspectives
Rapporteur Report
Speakers included:
Sponsored by:
Faculty of Law, University of Toronto | Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada | The National Centre For First Nations Governance |