Every summer, the International Human Rights Program (IHRP) at the U of T Faculty of Law offers students the unique opportunity to work on human rights projects "in the field."  This year, sixteen Faculty-funded IHRP interns went to human rights organizations in thirteen countries around the world. In addition, two students participated in firm-funded human rights internships where they divided their summer between work at leading law firms and human rights organizations.

Sam Siew at the International Justice Mission office.
Sam Siew at the International Justice Mission office.

Sam Siew

International Justice Mission, Manila, Philippines

"The enthusiasm here is contagious, and I am learning a lot: how an NGO is run, what legal advocacy on behalf of the very poor is like, and how to produce professional work while not losing one's love of life."


Candace Telfer

The Women's Foundation of Nepal (WF)

"I spend every day in the tiny office that is the nerve-centre of this organization; I drink tea and share rice and make jokes with the incredible woman who runs the Women's Foundation - but when I actually stop to think about what is being done here I can't help but be awed and humbled."


Candace Telfer at the Women's Foundation of Nepal shelter.
Candace Telfer at the Women's Foundation of Nepal shelter.
UNHCR Information Day, Khartoum, Sudan
Skit being performed at a UNHCR Information Day, Khartoum, Sudan 

Judith Rae

UNHCR, Sudan

"Working at UNHCR has given me exposure to some of the obstacles faced by humanitarian workers trying to protect human rights in very challenging conditions. It can be frustrating work; at times slow and painstaking, at other times fast-paced and hectic."


Jelena Madunic

Defence Internship at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

"Working with some of the field's most talented lawyers and advocates, I have learned a great deal about litigation strategy, legal theory, ICTY case history, and courtroom dynamics."


Jelena Madunic at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
Jelena Madunic at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia 

Onyema Afulukwe

International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)

"My work has included developing a model and template for a HIV/AIDS Report card on Canada  that will grade the Diagnosis and Treatment of HIV/AIDS and the Prevention and Education programs designed around the disease in Canada."


Ilana Bleichert

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Tbilisi, Georgia

"My brief was to complete a comparative analysis of the UHRC's legal framework with those of other national human rights commissions."


Abby Deshman

UNHCR, Nairobi

"I am helping UNHCR to develop training materials and compile case law for the pro-bono lawyers who will be litigating the first test cases before the Kenyan judiciary."


Bryan Friedman

Pacific Islands AIDS Foundation (PIAF)

"In addition to producing a 30-minute documentary for the LIFT project, I have been working closely with PIAF and its director, Maire Bopp Allport, on the organization's annual AIDS Ambassadors program."


Amy Hu

Amnesty International, Taiwan

"I helped to develop several media events to facilitate public awareness about the "Comfort Women" issue, the most memorable of which was assisting in the production of a video featuring the "Comfort Women" survivors in Taiwan."


Jackie VanDerMeulen

Girl Child Network (GCN), Zimbabwe

"One of the most important things that I have learned from my work at GCN is that you cannot separate advocacy from the groundwork.  You cannot advocate for girls' rights without also helping those girls to go to school and have a safe place to live."