HURINET (Uganda)

My first month with HURINET (U) has been one involving a steep learning curve. HURINET is an unique organization in a unique political environment. It serves as both a donor and recipient organization, and as both a coalition of smaller NGOs, and as a broader representative of Uganda civil society organizations. Moreover, HURINET operates in an environment where civil society organizations are highly skilled and mobilized around human rights issues, but where the human rights violations at stake are very rudimentary.   In addition the Ugandan political environment is one that has an appearance of stability, but is wrought with underlying tensions that can erupt without warning.

During my first month at HURINET I have been involved in several different projects, with a focus on the preparation of project proposals and securing funding for these projects. I have quickly become familiar with the relationships between donors and recipients, both foreign and domestic. Also, I have been involved in the Networking Program, meeting with representatives of several member organizations. My work on the creation of a Publication Index of member groups' publications has allowed me to make site visits to member groups and interact with their staff. In this way I have become acquainted with the work of several different organizations, as well as how these organizations work together to build capacity of civil society as a whole.

My other activities have included research, preparation of concept notes and participation in HURINET activities including two press conferences, and marching in the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. Consequently, I have become familiar with the role that HURINET plays both as a network and as a representative in civil society. Moreover, I have learned the importance of coalitions and partnerships in a civil society that has been undermined by civil unrest.

The first half of my internship focused on the preparation of funding proposals and seeking funding for three projects. At this time funding has been secured for two of the projects with funding for the third to be confirmed soon. Thus during the second half of my internship the implementation of these projects will be underway and I will have the opportunity to observe, participate and coordinate aspects of these projects.