Thursday, May 28, 2015

Prof. Michael TrebilcockThe Faculty of Law’s Prof. Michael Trebilcock has received a JJ Berry Smith Doctoral Supervision Award today, in recognition of “outstanding performance in the multiple roles associated with doctoral supervision.”

The award honours active University of Toronto faculty members who have demonstrated, over a minimum 15-year period,  excellence in supervision by inspiring and guiding students to maximize their scholarship potential; providing a supportive and robust environment to enable students to learn the essentials of their disciplines, and position them for future academic or non-academic careers.

"Over his 42-year career at the Faculty of Law, Michael has supervised a spectacular number of doctoral students," said Dean Ed Iacobucci. "While the sheer volume (at least 29 SJD students!) is in itself impressive, it is a testament to Michael’s outstanding teaching, mentorship and support that so many of his students have gone on to very successful careers both within and outside of the academy. Michael’s enthusiasm for supervision stems from the same intelligence and voracious curiosity that has made him such a successful scholar."

A much-loved teacher, Trebilcock is a University Professor, a title given by the University of Toronto to recognize exceptional accomplishment and pre-eminence in a particular field of knowledge. He recently received the 2015 Donner Prize for outstanding public policy book written by a Canadian, and is a recipient of the Ontario Premier's Discovery Award for the Social Sciences.

He holds the Chair in Law and Economics and is internationally renowned in this field, in addition to international trade law, competition law, economic and social regulation, and contract law and theory.

Launched in 2013, two JJ Berry Smith Doctoral Supervision awards are offered annually to recognize faculty in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and also in the Physical and Life Sciences.

The 2015 awards were presented today at the Governor General's Medal reception ceremony at the Faculty Club.

Prof. Michael Trebilcock receiving the award

Prof. Michael Trebilcock (centre) at the award ceremony

Prof. Michael Trebilcock with Dean Edward Iacobucci