Friday, December 17, 2021

Brooks Animal Law Digest

The Canada Edition of the Brooks Animal Law Digest is a free resource published twice monthly with the support of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law. The Brooks Institute is an independent think tank “pursuing a paradigm shift in human responsibility towards, and value of, nonhuman animals by advancing animal law, animal policy, and related interdisciplinary studies." Professor Angela Fernandez has been invited by the Institute to collaborate on a variety of projects in a network called BASAN – the Brooks Animal Studies Academic Network.

The Brooks Animal Law Digest is "a premier online publication dedicated to offering in-depth and up-to-date coverage on the most important animal law and policy issues Like the Brooks Animal Law Digest – U.S. Edition, the Canadian Digest serves as a resource for anyone interested in learning more about the field of animal law – either as high-level overview of developments, or as a jumping off point for digging into a specific current issue in the field. All content will be accessible on the Brooks Institute website and spotlights via email twice monthly".

Brooks' support has also made it possible to hire an Animal Law research associate, Samantha Skinner, who brings a wealth of experience in animal law to the Faculty.

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