Wednesday, December 14, 2022

The Waywayseecappo Indian reserve was created on the West side of the Birdtail river in western Manitoba in 1877. Two years later, on the other side of the river, white settlers established a town named Rossburn.

The story of these two communities is captured in Valley of the Birdtail: An Indian Reserve, a White Town, and the Road to Reconciliation (HarperCollins 2022). 

Co-authors Andrew Stobo Sniderman (JD 2014) and Douglas Sanderson (Amo Binashii) write that the two communities are “divided by a valley, a river and 150 years of racism.”

The book has been listed by CBC Books as one of the best in Canadian nonfiction published this year. 

Read U of T News: “A gripping story about terrible wrongs”: U of T Law grad and prof draw lessons for Canada in new book