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Dyzenhaus, D and Thorburn, M eds, The Philosophical Foundations of Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press, 2016).

Newman, D and Thorburn, M eds, The Dignity of Law: The Legacy of Justice Louis LeBel (LexisNexis, 2015).

Edited Collections:

Thorburn, M ed, Criminal Law Theory Special Issue University of Toronto Law Journal 70: 1-162 (2019).

Aiken, S, Lyon, D, and Thorburn, M, eds, Crimmigration, Surveillance and ‘Security Threats’: A Multidisciplinary Dialogue, Queen’s Law Journal 40: i-164 (2015).

Journal Articles, Essays, and Book Chapters:

"Soldiers as Public Officials: A Moral Justification for Combatant Immunity" Ratio Juris 32:395-414 (2019). 

"Criminal Punishment and the Right to Rule" University of Toronto Law Journal 70: 44-63 (2019).

"Punishment and Public Authority" in Asp, P, Dubois-Pedain, A and Ulvang, M eds, Criminal Law and the Authority of the State (Bloomsbury, 2017).

"Proportionality" in Dyzenhaus, D and Thorburn, M eds, The Philosophical Foundations of Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press, 2016).

"Justice LeBel on Excuses and the Question of Standing" Supreme Court Law Review 70: 357-383 (2015).

"Judgment, Communication and Coercion: What’s Wrong with Private Prisons?" Critical Analysis of Law 2: 234-243 (2015).

"Calling Antony Duff to Account," Criminal Law and Philosophy, 9:737–751 (2015).

"The Radical Orthodoxy of Hart’s Punishment and Responsibility" in Dubber, M, ed, Foundational Texts in Modern Criminal Law, (Oxford University Press, 2014).

"Proportionate Sentencing and the Rule of Law" in Roberts, J and Zedner, L eds, Principles and Values in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice: Essays in Honour of Andrew Ashworth (Oxford University Press, 2012).

"The Constitution of Criminal Law: Justifications, Policing and the State's Fiduciary Duties" 5 Criminal Law and Philosophy 259 (2011).

"Constitutionalism and the Limits of the Criminal Law" in R.A. Duff, Lindsay Farmer, S.E. Marshall, Massimo Renzo, and Victor Tadros eds, The Structures of Criminal Law(Oxford University Press, 2011).

"Two Conceptions of Equality Before the (Criminal) Law" in Tanguay-Renaud, F. and Stribopoulos, J. eds., Rethinking Criminal Law Theory: New Canadian Perspectives in the Philosophy of Domestic, Transnational and International Criminal Law, (Hart Publishing 2011).

"Identification and Surveillance: On the Use and Abuse of Citizen Data" in Dennis, I. and Sullivan, G.R. eds.,Seeking Security: Pre-empting the Commission of Criminal Offences, (Hart Publishing 2012).

"Criminal Law as Public Law" in Duff, R.A. and Green, S. eds., Philosophical Foundations of Criminal Law (Oxford University Press 2011).

"Reinventing the Night-watchman State?" 60 University of Toronto Law Journal 425 (2010) .

"Accountability and Proportionality in Youth Criminal Justice" Criminal Law Quarterly 55: 304-322 (2009) .

"Justifications, Powers and Authority" 117 Yale Law Journal 1070 (2008).

"The Sentencing Theory Debate: Convergence in Outcomes, Divergence in Reasoning" 10 New Criminal Law Review 278 (2007) (with Allan Manson).

"The Impossible Dreams and Modest Reality of Restorative Justice" 30 Queen's Law Journal 863 (2005).

"Government by Voucher " 80 Boston University Law Review 205 (2000) (with Michael Trebilcock & Ron Daniels).

Short Book Contributions:



"Introduction" Queen's Law Journal 39: i-xi (2015).

"Introduction" Supreme Court Law Review 70: 357-383 (2015).

‘Decision Rules and Conduct Rules: A Liberal Criminal Law Cannot be Reduced to these two Types of Rules’, in Robinson, P, Garvey, S and Ferzan, K, eds, Criminal Law Conversations, Oxford University Press, (2009) pp. 22-24.

‘Why Only the State May Decide When Sanctions are Appropriate’, in Robinson, P, Garvey, S and Ferzan, K, eds, Criminal Law Conversations, Oxford University Press, (2009) pp. 140-142.