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Wrongfully Convicted: Guilty Pleas, Imagined Crimes and What Canada Must Do To Safeguard Justice (Toronto: Simon and Schuster, 2023) (Revised and Updated paperback version (Toronto: Simon and Schuster, 2025) (416 pp)

Finalist for 2023 Donner Prize for best public policy book.

Canadian Policing: Why and How it Must Change (Toronto: Irwin Law, Delve Publishing, 2022) (267pp)

Finalist for 2022 Ballsillie Prize for best public policy book and the 2022 Donner Prize for best public policy book.

Criminal Law 8th ed (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2022) (664pp)  (7th ed (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2018)  6th ed (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2015);  5th ed (Toronto: Irwin law, 2012) 4th ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2009); 3rd ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2004); 2nd ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2000); 1st ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 1996).

Remedies for  Human Rights Violations: A Two Track Approach to Supra-national and Domestic Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021) (581pp)

Runner-up for Canadian Council on International Law Book Prize for 2020-21

Canadian Justice Indigenous Injustice The Gerald Stanley Colten Boushie Case (Montreal: McGill Queens Press, 2019) (309 pp)

Short listed for 2020 Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for political writing

 (with Robert J. Sharpe) The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 7th ed  (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2021) (590 pp). 6th ed 2018 5th ed (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2013) 4th ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2009) (with R.J. Sharpe); 3rd ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2005) (with R.J. Sharpe); 2nd ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2002) (with R.J. Sharpe and K.E. Swinton).

The Supreme Court on Trial: Judicial Activism or Democratic Dialogue. revised ed (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2016) (508 pp).

(with Craig Forcese) False Security: The Radicalization of Canadian Anti-Terrorism (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2015) (612 pp).

  • Awarded 2016 Canadian Law and Society Award for best book of 2016

The 9/11 Effect: Comparative Counter-Terrorism (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011) 450 pages.

  • Co-winner 2012 Walter Mundell Medal for contributions to legal writing

(with Bibi Sanga, and Robert Moles) Forensic Investigations and Miscarriages of Justice: The Rhetoric Meets The Reality, with a forward by Hon. Michael Kirby. (Sydney: Federation Press, Toronto: Irwin Law, 2010) (432 pp).

The Unique Challenges of Terrorism Prosecutions: Towards a Workable Relation Between Intelligence and Evidence, vol 4. of the Research Studies of the Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182 (Ottawa: Supply and Services, 2010).

Regulatory and Corporate Liability: From Due Diligence to Risk Management (Aurora: Canada Law Book, 2005) (with T. Archibald and K. Jull).

Brian Dickson: A Judge's Journey (Toronto: University of Toronto Press and Osgoode Society, 2003) (with R.J. Sharpe).

  • Winner of the 2004 J.W. Dafoe prize for best contribution to the understanding of Canada.

September 11: Consequences for Canada (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003).

The Supreme Court on Trial: Judicial Activism or Democratic Dialogue (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2001).

  • Short listed for the 2001 Donner Prize for best book on public policy.

Due Process and Victims’ Rights: The New Law and Politics of Criminal Justice (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999).

  • Shortlisted for the 1999 Donner Prize for best book on public policy.

Constitutional Remedies in Canada (Aurora: Canada Law Book, 1994). Annual supplements 1994-2006.

  • 2nd edition (Toronto: Carswell, 2013) 
  • Winner of the 1997 Walter Owen Prize for best legal book.

Regulating Traffic Safety (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990) (with M.L. Friedland and M.J. Trebilcock).

Edited Collections

(with Michael Nesbitt and David Hoffmann) Canadian Terror: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives on the Toronto 18 Trial

(with Cheryl Milne) Public Interest Litigation in Canada (Toronto: Lexis Nexus, 2019)

Comparative Counter-Terrorism Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015) (819 pp)

Emergency Law (London: Ashgate, 2012 ) (with Saskia Hufnagel). (547 pp)

Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy 2nd ed (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012) (with Victor Ramraj, Michael Hor and George Williams) (687 pp).

Guest Editor special focus issue on Air India Report (2011) 51 University of Toronto Law Journal.

Taking Remedies Seriously (Ottawa: Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice) (with R.J. Sharpe) 511 pages.

Research Studies of the Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182, 4 vols. (Ottawa: Supply and Services, 2010).

Research Studies of the Commission of Inquiry into Pediatric Forensic Pathology, 2 vols. (Toronto, Queens Park, 2008).

Access to Care, Access to Justice: The Legal Debate Over Private Health Insurance (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005) (with C. Flood and L. Sossin).

Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005) (with M. Hor and V. Ramraj) 628 pages.

Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice: Competing or Reconcilable Paradigms (Studies in Penal Theory and Penal Ethics) (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2002) (with A. von Hirsh, A. Bottoms, J. Roberts and M. Schiff).

The Security of Freedom: Essays on Canada’s Anti-Terrorism Bill (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001) (with R. Daniels and P. Macklem).

Changing Punishment at the Turn of the Century: Finding Common Ground, special issue of Canadian Journal of Criminology, 2000 (with S.B. Miller).


(with B. Berger, E, Cunliffe and A. Kiyani Criminal Law and Procedure: Cases and Materials  12th ed. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2020) 11th ed (2015) 10th ed (2010) 9th ed (2004) 8th ed  (1997) 7th ed (1993) 6th ed (1991)

(with Constitutional Law Group) Canadian Constitutional Law 6th ed (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2022)  5th ed. (To 2017); 4th ed (2010)  3rd ed (2002)

(with J. Berryman ed at) Remedies: Cases and Materials 8th ed. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2020). 6th ed 2012, 5th ed 2006

(with Garry Watson, W.A. Bogart, Allan Hutchinson and Janet Mosher) Civil Litigation 4th ed. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 1991).

Articles and Book Chapters

“A World Rich in Rights but Poor in Remedies” (2023) 19 Journal of Law and Equality 71-90

(with Felicity Williams) “Canada” in Jon Robins ed.  Murder, Wrongful Convictions and the Law: An International Comparative Analysis(Milton Park: Routledge, 2023) at 167-184

“Alternative explanations for pro-conviction judicial tendencies: A commentary on Berryessa et al.”  2022. Legal and Criminological Psychology00, 1–5

"The February Emergency: Intelligence, Policing and Governance Failures and the Future of Charter Proofed Emergencies" (2022) 70 C.L.Q. 195-229.

"Judicial Remedies for Climate Change" (2021) 17 J of L and Equality 105-150.

"Counter-terrorism and the Challenges of Far-Right Terrorism" (2021) 50(1) Common Law World 3-20.

"Joe's Justice: Substantive, Procedural and Remedial Equality" (2021) 104 Supreme Court Law Review 163-189.

"Principled versus Rule and Text-Based Discretion in Charter Remedies: Conseil Scolaire and Ontario v. G." (2022) 42) N.J.C.L. 123-155.

(with Michael Nesbitt, David Hoffmann and Kevin Lee) "Introduction to Canadian Terror" (2021) 44(1) Man. L.J. i-xxvii

"Trial by Jury and the Toronto 18" (2021) 44(1) Man.L.J. 221-253 at

"The Dangers of Charter-Proofing the Toronto 18 Prosecution" (2021) 44(1) Man.L.J. 321-362 at

(with Michael Nesbitt and David Hoffman) "Conclusion" (2021) 44(1) Man.L.J. 457-561.

“Juries, Miscarriages of Justice and the Bill C-75 Reforms” (2020) 98(2) Canadian Bar Review 315-357  at

"The Charter and the RCMP" in Emmett MacFarlane and Kate Puddister eds. Essays on the Charter's 40th Anniversary (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, forthcoming)

"The RCMP" in Craig Forcese et al ed. Top Secret Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021).

Reclaiming Prima Facie Exclusionary Rules in Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and the United States: The Importance of Compensation, Proportionality and Non-Repetition (2020), 43(3) Manitoba Law Journal 1-47. 

(with Jonathan Rudin) “Sentencing Indigenous Offenders”. In David Cole and Julian Roberts, Sentencing Law of Canada(Toronto: Irwin Law, 2020) at 225-248.

“Dialogic Remedies”, (2019) 17 Icon International Journal of Constitutional Law 860-883.

 “The Disappointing Remedy? Damages as a Remedy for Violation of Human Rights” (2019) 69 supp U.T.L.J. 33-63.

"Terrorist Speech under Bills C-51 and C-59 and the Othman Hamdan Case” (2019) 57 Alberta Law Review 203-231.

"Balancing Police Independence and Political Responsibility for the Police: Some Recent Developments in Australia, Canada and the UK" (2019) Policing 1-17

"The Separation and Interconnection of Powers in Canada" (2018) 5(2) Journal of International and Comparative Law 315-336.

"Defining Miscarriages of Justice in the Context of Post 9/11 Counterrerrorism" in Lennon, King and McCartney eds Counter-Terrorism, Constitutional and Miscarriages of Justice A Festschrift for Clive Walker (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2019) at 187-207.

"Regulating the Prosecutorial Role in Wrongful Convictions" in Colvin and Stenning eds. The Evolving Role of the Public Prosecutor (New York: Routledge, 2019) at 249-265.

 “Ipeelee in the Courts of Appeal” (2019) 67 C.L.Q 436-476.

“Exceptional Procedures to Correct Miscarriages of Justice”. In Brown et al.., Oxford Handbook of the Criminal Process(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)

 “Dialogue in Canada and the Dangers of Simplified Comparative Law and Populism” in Geofferey Sigalet, Gregoire Webber and Rosalind Dixon eds. , Constitutional Dialogue Rights and Institutions (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2019) at 267-307.

“Plan B for Implementing Gladue: The Need to Go Beyond Background Factors to Punitive Sentencing Purposes” (2019) 67 C.L.Q. 375-406.

"The Migration and Evolution of Programs to Counter Violent Extremism" (2018)  68 U.T.L.J. 588-597

(with Craig Forcese) "The Need to Justify and Limit Procedural Innovation in National Security Litigation" (2018) 68 U.T.L.J. 526-543.

“The Urgent Need to Reform Jury Selection after the Gerald Stanley and Colten Boushie Case” (2018) 65 C.L.Q. 271-279

(with Jackie Hodgson) “Disenfranchisement as Punishment: European Court of Human Rights, UK and Canadian Responses to Prisoner Voting [2017] Public Law 450-468. 

Reforming and Resisting Criminal Law: Criminal Justice and the Tragically Hip” (2017) 40(3) Manitoba Law Journal 1-50.

(with Lorne Sossin) “Renovating Independent Police Review”  (2017) 64 Criminal Law Quarterly 384-414

"Reforming Criminal Justice and National Security in an Age of Populism" (2017) 64 Criminal Law Quarterly 286-316

“The Continued Exceptionalism of the American Response to Daesh” in Pierre Auriel, Olivier Beaud and Carl Wellman, Rule of Crisis : Emergency Legislation, Terrorism and the Rule of Law (Berlin: Springer 2018) at 71-100.

(with Craig Forcese) “Righting Security: A Contextual and Critical Analysis and Response to Canada’s 2016 National Security Green Paper” (2017) Canadian Yearbook of Human Rights 

“Selective Privacy in Counter-Terrorism” in Russell L. Weaver, William Gilles, Irène Bouhadana, Steven I. Friedland eds Privacy in a Digital Age: Perspectives from Two Continents (Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2017) at 119-140.

(with Craig Forcese) “Yesterday’s Law: Terrorist Group Listing in Canada” (2017) 30(2) Terrorism and Political Violence 1-19

“Prosecutors and Wrongful Convictions" in Benjamin Berger and Emma Cunliffe eds.  Essays in Honour of Justice Marc Rosenberg (Toronto: Carswell, 2017) at 99-128. 

“The Role of Courts, Executive and the Legislature in Enforcing the Constitution: Three Manitoba Stories” in Albert and Cameron eds. Canada in the World (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018) at 264-302.

“Charter Remedies” in Des Rosiers, Macklem and Oliver eds. Oxford Companion to the Canadian Constitution (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017) at 673-694.

“Constitutionalized Interpretation, Reading Down/In and the Wisdom of Schachter” (2017) 36 National Journal of Constitutional Law 211-228.

(with Craig Forcese) “Blanket Security: Bill C-51’s Goldilocks Problem and What Needs to Change in Canada’s Anti-Terror Bill” (2016) 24(10) Literary Review of Canada 22-24

“Remedies for Laws that Violate Human Rights” in John Bell et al eds. Public Law Adjudication in Common Law Systems (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2016) at 269-299.

“Multiculturalism and Freedom of Expression: Hate Speech in Canada” (2016) 36 The Annual Review of Canadian Studies 17-35.

(with Bibi Sangha) “Introduction to Symposium on Wrongful Convictions” (2016) 17 Flinders L.J. 155-162

The Wrongful Conviction of Indigenous People in Australia and Canada” (2016) 17 Flinders L.J. 203-262 at 

Comparative Reflections on Miscarriages of Justice in Australia and Canada” (2016) 17 Flinders L.J. 381-431

“Polycentricity and Queue Jumping in Public Law Remedies: A Two Track Response” (2016) 66 UTLJ 3-52

“Remedies for Laws that Violate Human Rights” in Mark Elliott et al eds. Essays in Public Law (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2016) at 269-299.

“Review and Oversight of Intelligence in Canada: Expanding Accountability Gaps” in Zachary Goldman and Richard Morgan eds Comparative Studies of Review and Oversight of Intelligence (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016) pp. 172-203

(with Craig Forcese) “Stumbling Towards Total Information Awareness: The Security of Canada Information Sharing Act” (2015) 12(7) Canadian Privacy Review.

“Comparative Counter-Terrorism Law Comes of Age” in Roach ed Comparative Counter-Terrorism Law (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015) at 1-45.

“Thematic Conclusions and Future Challenges” in Roach ed Comparative Counter-Terrorism Law (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015) at pp. 683-788.

(with Craig Forcese) “Legislating in Fearful and Politicized Times:  The Limits of Bill C-51’s Disruption Powers in Making Us Safer” in Edward Iacobucci and Stephen Toope eds. After Paris (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015) at 141-157.

“Regulating Speech on the Internet: Canada’s Judicially Authorized In Rem Proceeding as a Bridge Between American and European Approaches” in Information and Law in Transition (Stockholm: Liber, 2015) at 147-169.

“Permanent Accountability Gaps and Remedies” in Michael Geist Law, Privacy and Surveillance in the Post-Snowden Era (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2015) at 163-204.

(with Craig Forcese) “Criminalizing Terrorist Babble: Canada’s Dubious New Terrorist Speech Offence” (2015) 53 Alberta Law Review 35-84.

“We Need to Have an Adult Conversation About Security” (2015) 36(2) Policy Options 53-57.

(with Craig Forcese), “Preface” and "Introduction" in Craig Forcese and Kent Roach eds False Security: The Radicalization of Canadian Anti-Terrorism (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2015).

(with Craig Forcese) “Terrorist Babble and the Limits of the Law: Glorification, Apologie and Advocacy of Terrorism Offences” (2015) 52 Alberta Law Review.

“The Varied Roles of Courts and Legislatures in Rights Protection” in Murray Hunt et al eds Parliaments and Human Rights: Redressing the Democratic Deficit (Oxford; Hart Publishing, 2015) at 405-421.

“The Problem with the New CSIS Human Source Privilege in Bill C-44” (2014) 61 Criminal Law Quarterly 451-464.

"Be Careful What You Wish for?: Terrorism Prosecutions in Post-9/11 Canada." (2014) 40 Queen’s LJ. 99-140.

“The Migration and Derivative of Counter-Terrorism” in Clive Walker and Genevieve Lennon The Routledge Handbook of Counter-Terrorism Law (London: Routledge, 2015) at 68-84.

(with Mayo Moran) “Introduction to Residential School Litigation and Settlement Special Issue” (2014) 64 University of Toronto Law Journal 479-485.

“Blaming the Victim: Canadian Law, Causation and Residential Schools” (2014) 64 University of Toronto Law Journal 566-585.

Terrorism" in Markus Dubber and Tatjana Hornle, eds., Oxford Handbook of Criminal Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014) at 812-836.

“The Impact of the Charter and the Judicial Activism Debate” in Marian Botsford Fraser with Sukanya Pillay and Kent Roach Acting for Freedom: Fifty Years of Civil Liberties in Canada (Toronto: Second Story Press, 2014) at 77-119.

Models of Civilian Regulation of the Police: The Objectives and Mechanisms of Legal and Political Regulation of the Police” (2014) 61 Criminal Law Quarterly 29-73. and Ian D. Scott Civilian Oversight of the Police (Toronto: Thomson/Canada Law Book, 2014) at 301-340.

“Public Inquiries as an Attempt to Fill Accountability Gaps Left by Judicial and Legislative Review” in Fergal Davies and Fiona de Londras eds. Critical Debates on Counter-Terrorism Judicial Review (Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 2014) at 183-205.

“Canada” in Alan Reed and Michael Bohlander eds General Defences to Crime in Crime: Domestic and Comparative Perspectives (Farham: Ashgate, 2014) at 197-212.

(with Todd Archibald, Ken E. Jull) "Corporate Criminal Liability: Myriad Complexity in the Scope of Senior Officer". 2013 50(3) Criminal Law Quarterly 386-413.

(with Todd Archibald and Ken Jull) "Critical Developments in Corporate Criminal Liability: Senior Officers, Wilful Blindness, and Agents in Foreign Jurisdictions". (2013) 60 Criminal Law Quarterly 92-127.

Canada’s Experience with Constitutionalism and Criminal Justice.” Singapore Academy of Law Journal. (2013) 25 SAcLJ.

“Security Forces Reform in Tunisia” in Zaid al Ali and Richard Stacey eds Consolidating the Arab Spring Constitutional Transition in Egypt and Tunisia (21 pages)

Enforcement of the Charter — Subsections 24(1) and 52(1)Supreme Court Law Review (2013), 62 S.C.L.R. (2d).

Freedom of Expression in Canada”, (with David Schneiderman) (2013), 61 S.C.L.R. (2d).

"Trial by Theory: A Response to Acharya's 'Law's Treatment of Science: From Idealization to Understanding'," (with Gary Edmond) (2013) Dalhousie Law Journal. Vol. 36:1. Spring 2013. pp. 57-91.

“Less Procedure, More Justice? A Comparison of Canadian and American Wrongful Convictions” in C. Ronald Huff and Martin Killias (eds.), Wrongful Convictions and Miscarriages of Justice: Causes and Remedies in North American and European Criminal Justice Systems. New York: Routledge, 2013.

Section 7 of the Charter in National Security Cases” (2012) 42 (3) University of Ottawa Law Review.

Substitute Justice? Indirect Challenges to American Counter-Terrorism Activities in non-American Courts” (2013) 82 Mississippi Law Journal.

The Charter versus the Government’s Crime Agenda” (2012) 58 S.C.L.R. (2d), 211-243.

"A Preliminary Assessment of the New Self-Defence and Defence of Property Provisions" (2012) 16 C.C.L.R. 275-299.

(with Gary Edmond) “A Reply to Chasse’s ‘Junk Science by way of a Higher Burden of Proof” (2012) 16 Canadian Criminal Law Review 391-413.

"Uneasy Neighbors: Comparative American And Canadian Counter-Terrorism" (2012) William Mitchell Law Review, Vol. 38:5, 1701-1803.

"Counter-Terrorism In and Outside Canada and in and Outside the Anti-Terrorism Act" (2012) Review of Constitutional Studies/Revue d’études constitutionnelles, Volume 16, Issue 2, 2012, 243-264.

The Supreme Court’s Remedial Decision in the Insite Case” (2012) 6 J.P.P.L. 238-246.

Secret Evidence and its Alternatives” in Aniceto Masferrer (ed.), Post 9/11 and the State of Permanent Legal Emergency (Dordrech: Springer, Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, 2012) at 179-200.

“Preventing What? Post 9/11 Mission Creep and Mission Amnesia” in The Long Decade: How 9/11 has Changed the Law , ed. David Jenkins, Anders Henriksen, and Amanda Lynn Jacobsen (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014).

“Terrorism and National Security Policy-Making in Canada” in Karim Ismaili, Jane Sprott and Kim Varma eds, Readings in Canadian Criminal Justice Policy-Making (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2012) at 222-247.

“Introduction” in Victor Ramraj et al eds. Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy 2nd ed (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012) at 1-16 (with Michael Hor, Victor Ramraj and George Williams).

"The Criminal Law and its Less Restrained Alternatives" in Victor Ramraj et al eds. Global Anti Terrorism Law and Policy 2nd ed(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012) at 91-121.

"Canada's Response to Terrorism" in Victor Ramraj et al eds. Global Anti Terrorism Law and Policy 2nd ed(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012) at 514-540.

"National Security Policy-Making in Canada” in K. Ismaili, J. Sprott and K. Varma eds., Readings in Canadian Criminal Justice Policy-Making (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2012).

"Courts as Positive Legislators: The Canadian Experience" in Alan Brewer-Carias ed. Constitutional courts as Positive Legislators (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011) at 315-344.

"'Constitutional Chicken': National Security Confidentiality and Terrorism Prosecutions after R. v. Ahmed" (2011), 54 S.C.L.R. (2d) 357-390.

"Police Independence and the Minitary Police" (2011) 49 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 117-149.

"Wrongful Convictions in Canada" (2011) University of Cincinnati Law Review .

"Secret Evidence and its Alternatives" (2011) in Aniceto Masferrer ed. Post 9/11 and the State of Permanent Legal Emergency: Security and Human Rights in Countering Terrorism (Berlin: Springer).

"The Primacy of Liberty and Proportionality and not Human Dignity When Subjecting Criminal Law to Constitutional Control" (2011) Israel Law Review Vol. 44:91, pp. 91-113.

"A Promising Late Spring for Charter damages: Ward v. British Columbia" (2011) National Journal of Constitutional Law 135-157.

"Mind the Gap: Canada's Different Criminal and Constitutional Standards of Fault" (2011) 61 University of Toronto Law Journal 545-578.

"A Contextual Approach to the Admissibility of the State’s Forensic Sciene and Medicine Evidence" (2011) 61 University of Toronto Law Journal (with Gary Edmond) 343-409.

"Limping into the Future: The 1267 Sanctions Committee at the Cross-Roads" (2011) 42 George Washington International Law Journal 217-277.

"Entrapment and Equality in Terrorism Prosecutions: A Comparative Examination of North American and European Approaches" (2011) Mississippi Law Journal 1455-1490.

"Some Challenges in European and (North) American Responses to Terrorism" in European University Institute Report of High Level Policy Seminar on European and United States Counter-Terrorism Policies, the Rule of Law and Human rights, European University Institute Florence, Italy, 2011, 19-26.

"Comparative Constitutional Law and Terrorism" in Tom Ginsburg and Rosalind Dixon eds Comparative Constitutional Law Handbook (London: Ashgate, 2011) at 532-550.

"The Air India Report and the Regulation of Charities and Terrorism Financing" (2011) 61 University of Toronto Law Journal 45-57.

"Canada" in M. Dubber and D. Heller, eds., The Stanford Companion to Criminal Law (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011) 97-136.

"'The Supreme Court at the Bar of Politics': The Afghan Detainee and Omar Khadr Cases" (2010) National Journal of Constitutional Law 115-155.

"Introduction" in Roach and Sharpe eds., Taking Remedies Seriously (Ottawa: Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, 2010) (with Robert Sharpe) 1-20.

"Remedies for Discriminatory Profiling" in Roach and Sharpe eds., Taking Remedies Seriously (Ottawa: Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, 2010) 391-417.

"Judicial Free Speech" in H.P. Lee ed., The Judiciary in Comparative Perpective (Cambridge University Press, 2011) 175-195.

"Introduction" in Threat Assessment, RCMP/CSIS Co-Operation, vol. 1 of the Research Studies of the Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182 (Ottawa: Supply and Services, 2010).

"Introduction" in Terrorism Financing, Charities and Aviation Security, vol. 2 of the Research Studies of the Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182 (Ottawa: Supply and Services, 2010).

"Introduction" in Terrorism Prosecutions, vol. 3 of the Research Studies of the Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182 (Ottawa: Supply and Services, 2010).

"Introduction" in The Unique Challenges of Terrorism Prosecutions, vol. 4 of the Research Studies of the Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182 (Ottawa: Supply and Services, 2010).

"From Secret Evidence to Public Intelligence: Managing the Relationship Between Intelligence and Evidence" in Ulrich Sieber ed. Essays on Terrorism Law (Freiburg: Springer).

"The Eroding Distinction Between Intelligence and Evidence in Terrorism Investigations" in A. Lynch et al eds. in Counter-Terrorism and Beyond: The Culture of Law and Justice (London: Routledge 2010) 48-67.

"Canada's Response to Terrorism: Human Security at Home?" in D. Bosold and N. Hynek eds. Canada’s Foreign and Security Policy: Soft and Hard Strategies of a Middle Power (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009) 212-230.

"The Problematic Revival of Section 229 (c) of the Criminal Code" (2010) 47(3) Alberta Law Review 675-704.

"The Role of Innocence Commissions: Error Discovery, Systematic Reform or Both?" (2010) 85 Chicago-Kent Law Review 89-126.

"Prosecutorial Independence and Accountability in Terrorism Prosecutions" (2010) 55 Criminal Law Quarterly 486-507.

"Forensic Science and Miscarriages of Justice: Some Lessons from Comparative Experience" (2010) 50 Jurimetrics 67-92.

"Wrongful Convictions: Adversarial and Inquisitorial Themes" (2010) 35 North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation 385-444.

"Access to Justice and Beyond" (2010) 60 University of Toronto Law Journal 373-395 (with Lorne Sossin).

"Inertia, Uncertainty and Canadian Homicide Law: An Introduction to the Special Issue" (2010) 47(3) Alberta Law Review 643-650 (with Sanjeev Anand).

"When Secret Intelligence Becomes Evidence: The Implications of Khadr and Charkaoui II" (2009) 47 Supreme Court Law Review 147-208.

"Judicial Review of the State's Anti-Terrorism Activities: The Post-9/11 Experience and Normative Justifications" (2009) 3 Indian Journal of Constitutional Law 138-167.

"One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Gladue in the Courts of Appeal" (2009) 54 Criminal Law Quarterly 470-505.

"The Relevance of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and the Criminal Law from Investigation to Sentencing" (2009) 42 University of British Columbia Law Review 1-68 (with A. Bailey).

"The Challenges of Crafting Remedies for Violations of Social, Economic and Cultural Rights" [PDF] in M. Langford ed., Social Economic Rights Jurisprudence: Emerging Trends in International and Comparative Law (2009) (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 46-58.

"Canadian National Security Policy and Canadian Muslim Communities" in A. Sinno, ed., Muslims in Western Politics (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2009) 219-244.

"The Charter and National Security" in J. Kelly and C. Manfredi eds. Contested Constitutionalisms (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2009) at 145-168.

"Canadian Experiences in Preventing and Combating Terrorism" in W. Okumu and A. Botha, eds., Understanding Terrorism in Africa: Building Bridges and Overcoming the Gaps (Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, 2008) 117-134.

"Exonerating the Wrongfully Convicted: Do We Need Innocence Hearings?" in M. Beare, ed., Essays in Honour of Dianne Martin (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008) 55-84.

"Introduction" in Controversies and Models in Forensic Pediatric Pathology, vol. 1 of the Research Studies of the Commission of Inquiry into Pediatric Forensic Pathology (Toronto, Queens Park, 2008) ix-xv.

"Introduction" in Pediatric Forensic Pathology and the Legal System, vol. 2 of the Research Studies of the Commission of Inquiry into Pediatric Forensic Pathology (Toronto, Queens Park, 2008) xiii-xxi.

"Defining Terrorism: The Need for a Restrained Definition" in C. Forcese and N. LaViolette, eds., The Human Rights of Anti-Terrorism (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2008) 97-127.

"Ordinary Laws for Emergencies and Democratic Derogations from Rights" [PDF] in V. Ramraj, ed., Emergencies and the Limits of Legality (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008) 229-257.

"Charkaoui and Bill C-3: Some Implications for Anti-Terrorism Policy and Dialogue Between Courts and Legislatures" (2008) 42 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 281-354.

"A Charter Reality Check: How Relevant is the Charter to the Justness of Our Justice System?" (2008) 40 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 1-43.

"The Consequences of Compelled Self-Incrimination in Terrorism Investigations: A Comparison of American Grand Juries and Canadian Investigative Hearings" (2008) 30 Cardozo Law Review 1089-1114.

"Justice Bertha Wilson: A Classically Liberal Judge" [PDF] (2008) 41 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 193-223.

"The Role and Capacities of Courts and Legislatures in Reviewing Canada's Anti-Terrorism Law" (2008) 24 Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues 5-56.

"Canada" in C. Bradley, ed., Criminal Procedure: A Worldwide Survey (Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2007) 57-90.

"The Case for Defining Terrorism With Restraint and Without Reference to Political or Religious Motive" [PDF; at 19] in A. Lynch et al., eds., Law and Liberty in the War on Terror (Sydney: Federation Press, 2007) 39-48.

"Four Models of Police-Government Relationships" in M. Beare and T. Murray, eds., Police Government Relations (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007) 16-95. (Also available at

"Freedom and Security in Post-9/11 Canada" in J.L. Turk and A. Manson, eds., Free Speech in Fearful Times: After 9/11 in Canada, the U.S., Australia and Europe (Toronto: James Lorimer & Company, 2007) 121-161.

"Judicial Activism in the Supreme Court of Canada" in B. Dickson, ed., Judicial Activism in Common Law Supreme Courts (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007) 69-119.

"Sources and Trends in Post-9/11 Anti-Terrorism Laws" in L. Lazurus and B. Goold, eds., Human Rights and Security (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2007) 227-256.

"Better Late Than Never? The Canadian Parliamentary Review of the Anti-Terrorism Act" (2007) 13(5) Choices 1-38.

"A Comparison of Australian and Canadian Anti-Terrorism Law" (2007) 30 University of New South Wales Law Journal 53-85.

"A Dialogue of Principle and a Principled Dialogue: Justice Iacobucci's Substantive Approach to Dialogue" (2007) 57 University of Toronto Law Journal 449-478.

"Is There a Tyranny of the Charter in Criminal Justice and Security Policy" (2007) 28 Policy Options 94-98.

"Report Relating to Paragraph 1(f) of the Order in Council for the Commission of Inquiry into Certain Aspects of the Trial and Conviction of James Driskell" [PDF] published as an appendix to Report of the Commission of Inquily into Certain Aspects of the Trial and Conviction of James Driskell Final Report (Winnipeg: Queens Printer, 2007) Appendix F.

"Review and Oversight of National Security Activities with Some Reflections on Canada's Arar Inquiry" (2007) 29 Cardozo Law Review 53-84.

"Sharpening the Dialogue Debate: The Next Decade of Dialogue Scholarship" (2007) 45 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 169-191.

"Terrorism Offences and the Charter: A Comment on R. v. Khawaja" (2007) 11 Canadian Criminal Law Review 271-300.

"Unreliable Evidence and Wrongful Convictions: The Case for Excluding Tainted Identification Evidence and Jailhouse and Coerced Confessions" (2007) 52 Criminal Law Quarterly 210-236.

"The Role of the Independent Lawyer and Security Certificates" (2006) 52 Criminal Law Quarterly 85-111 (with M. Code); and in Law Society of Upper Canada's Task Force on the Rule of Law and Independence of the Bar, In the Public Interest (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2007) 151-174.

"The Institutionalization of Restorative Justice in Canada" in I. Aertsen, T. Daems and L. Robert et al., eds., The Institutionalization of Restorative Justice (Devon: Willan Publishing, 2006) 167-193.

"The Post-9/11 Migration of Britain's Terrorism Act, 2000" in S. Choudhry, ed., The Migration of Constitutional Ideas (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006) 374-402.

"Security and Civil Liberties After September 11: The Canadian Response" in B. Campbell and E. Finn, eds., Living with Uncle (Toronto: Lorimer, 2006) 54-59.

"Dialogue or Defiance: Legislative Reversal of Supreme Court Decisions in Canada and the United States" (2006) 4 International Journal of Constitutional Law (I Con) 347-370.

"National Security, Multiculturalism and Muslim Minorities" 2006 Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 405-438.

"Must We Trade Rights for Security: The Choice Between Smart, Harsh or Proportionate Security Strategies in Canada and the United Kingdom" (2006) 27 Cardozo Law Review 2151-2221.

"Not Just the Government's Lawyer: The Attorney General as Defender of the Rule of Law" (2006) 31 Queens Law Journal 598-643.

"The Protection of Innocence under Section 7 of the Charter" [PDF] (2006) 34 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 249-303.

"Canada's Response to Terrorism" in V. Ramraj, M. Hor and K. Roach, eds., Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005) 511-533.

"Chaoulli: Too Much or Too Little Judicial Activism?" in C. Flood, K. Roach and L. Sossin, eds., Access to Care, Access to Justice: The Legal Debate over Private Health Insurance (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005) 184-204.

"The Criminal Law and Terrorism" in V. Ramraj, M. Hor and K. Roach, eds., Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005) 129-151.

"Freedom of Expression in Canada" in G.A. Beaudoin & E. Mendes, eds., The Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms (Toronto: Butterworths, 2005) 259-323 (with D. Schneiderman).

"Introduction" in C. Flood, K. Roach and L. Sossin, eds., Access to Care, Access to Justice: The Legal Debate Over Private Health Insurance (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005) ix-xxviii (with C. Flood and L. Sossin).

"Introduction" in V. Ramraj, M. Hor and K. Roach, eds., Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005) 1-10 (with M. Hor and V. Ramraj).

"Old and New Visions of Security: Hong Kong's Security Bill Compared to Post-September 11 Anti-Terrorism Legislation" in F. Hualing, C. Petersen and S. Young, eds., National Security and Fundamental Freedoms: Hong Kong's Article 23 Under Scrutiny (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2005) 119-148.

"Postscript" in V. Ramraj, M. Hor and K. Roach, eds., Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005) 625-633 (with M. Hor and V. Ramraj).

"The Three-Year Review of Canada's Anti-Terrorism Act: The Need for Greater Restraint and Fairness, Non-Discrimination and Special Advocates" (2005) 54 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 308-335.

"Common Law Bills of Rights as Dialogue Between Courts and Legislatures" (2005) 55 University of Toronto Law Journal 733-766.

"A Comparison of South African and Canadian Anti-Terrorism Legislation" (2005) 18(2) South African Journal of Criminal Justice 127-150.

"Conditional Sentences and the Perspectives of Victims: A Socio-Legal Analysis" (2005) 30 Queens L.J. 560-600 (with J. Roberts).

"Constitutional, Remedial and International Dialogues About Rights: The Canadian Experience" (2005) 40 Texas Journal of International Law 537-576.

"Mandatory Relief and Supervisory Jurisdiction: When is it Appropriate, Just and Equitable" [PDF] (2005) 122 South African Law Journal 325-351 (with G. Budlender).

"Miscarriages of Justice in the War Against Terrorism" (2005) 109 Penn State Law Review 967-1041 (with G. Trotter). Translated into Chinese and published in C. Guangzhong, C. Weiqiu and V. Yang, eds., Criminal Trial of the First Instance and Protection of Human Rights (Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Publishing House, 2006) 201-232. With an English table of contents, trans. Zhang Shu.

"Ten Ways to Improve Anti-Terrorism Law" (2005) 51 Criminal Law Quarterly 102-125.

"Victims' Rights and the Charter" (2005) 49 Criminal Law Quarterly 474-516.

"Anti-Terrorism and Militant Democracy: Some Western and Eastern Responses" in A. Sajo, ed., Militant Democracy (Utrecht: Eleven International Publishing, 2004) 171-207. Translated into Russian in Konstitutionnoe Provo (a Russian constitutional law journal).

"The Changed Face of Corporate Criminal Liability" (2004) 48 Criminal Law Quarterly 367-396 (with T. Archibald and K. Jull).

"Dialogic Judicial Review and Its Critics" (2004) 23 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 49-104.

"Making Progress on Understanding and Remedying Racial Profiling" (2004) 41 Alberta Law Review 895-903.

"Principled Remedial Discretion Under the Charter" (2004) 25 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 101-150.

"The World Wide Expansion of Anti-Terrorism Laws After September 11" (2004) 3 Studi Senesi (the University of Siena law review) 487-527.

"Criminal Process" in P. Cane and M. Tushnet, eds., The Oxford Companion to Legal Scholarship (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003) 773-795.

"Remedies in Aboriginal Litigation" in J. Magnet and D. Dorey, eds., Aboriginal Rights Litigation (Markham: Butterworths, 2003) 321-346.

"Putting the Past Behind Us? Prospective Judicial and Legislative Constitutional Remedies" (2003) 21 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 205-266 (with S. Choudhry).

"Racial and Ethnic Profiling: Statutory Discretion, Democratic Accountability and Constitutional Remedies" (2003) 41 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 1-39 (with S. Choudhry).

Book Review: Michel Proulx and David Layton, "Ethics and Canadian Criminal Law", Criminal Law Quarterly, Vol. 47, p. 224, 2003.

"The Role of Crime Victims Under the Youth Criminal Justice Act" (2003) 40 Alberta Law Review 965-989.

"Twenty Years of the Charter and Criminal Justice: A Dialogue Between a Charter Optimist, a Charter Realist and a Charter Sceptic" (2003) 19 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 39-64, and in J.E. Magnet, G.-A. Beaudoin, G. Gall and C. Manfredi, eds., The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom: Reflections on the Charter after Twenty Years (Markham: Butterworths, 2003) 39-64.

"Wrongful Convictions and Criminal Procedure" (2003) 42 Brandeis Law Review 349-369.

"Is There a Constitutional Right to Legal Aid?" in Canadian Bar Association, Making the Case: The Right to Publicly-Funded Legal Representation in Canada (Ottawa: Canada Bar Association, 2002) 187-198.

"The New Terrorism Offences" in D. Daubney et al., eds., Terrorism, Law and Democracy:
How Is Canada Changing After September 11
(Montreal: Les Éditions Thémis, 2002) 113-144.

"Restorative Justice in Canada: From Sentencing Circles to Sentencing Principles" in A. von Hirsch et al., Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice: Competing or Reconcilable Paradigms? (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2002) 237-256 (with J. Roberts).

"American Constitutional Law Theory for Canadians (and the Rest of the World)" (2002) 52 University of Toronto Law Journal 503-521.

Book Review: Allan Manson, "The Law of Sentencing", Criminal Law Quarterly, Vol. 46, p. 503, 2002.

Book Review: Joan Barrett, "Balancing Charter Interests", Criminal Law Quarterly, Vol. 46, p. 124, 2002.

"Broken Promises: A Response to Stenning and Roberts' 'Empty Promises'" (2002) 65 Saskatchewan Law Review 3-34 (with J. Rudin).

"Canada's New Anti-Terrorism Legislation" (2002)Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 122-148.

"Did September 11 Really Change Everything: Preserving Canadian Values in the Face of Terrorism" (2002) 47 McGill Law Journal 893-947.

"Remedial Consensus and Challenge: General Declarations and Delayed Declarations of Invalidity" (2002) 35 University of British Columbia Law Review 211-269.

"The Dangers of a Charter-Proof and Crime-Based Response to Terrorism" in R. Daniels, P. Macklem and K. Roach, eds., The Freedom of Security: Essays on Canada’s Anti-Terrorism Bill (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001) 131-147.

"The New Terrorism Offences and the Criminal Law" in R. Daniels, P. Macklem and K. Roach, eds., The Freedom of Security: Essays on Canada’s Anti-Terrorism Bill (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001) 151-172.

"Constitutional and Common Law Dialogues Between the Supreme Court and Canadian Legislatures" (2001) 80 Canadian Bar Review 481-533.

"Crime and Punishment in the Latimer Case" (2001) 64 Saskatchewan Law Review 469-490.

"A Further Note on Final Note: The Scope and Limits of Judicial Law Making" (2001) 36 Canadian Business Law Journal 115-138 (with T. Duggan).

"The Myths of Judicial Activism" (2001) 14 Supreme Court Law Review 297-330.

"Reforming Statutes of Limitations" (2001) 50 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 25-55.

"Searching for Smith: The Constitutionality of Mandatory Minimum Sentences" (2001) 39 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 367-412.

"The Uses and Audiences of Preambles in Legislation" (2001) 47 McGill Law Journal 129-159.

"Using the Williams Question to Ensure Equal Protection for Aboriginal Crime Victims" (2001) 38 Criminal Reports (5th) 335-341.

"The Attorney General and the Charter of Rights Revisited" (2000) 50 University of Toronto Law Journal 1–40.

Book Review: David Cayley, "The Expanding Prison" and Ross Green, "Justice In Aboriginal Communities", Criminal Law Quarterly, Vol. 43, p. 268, 2000.

"Changing Punishment at the Turn of the Century: Restorative Justice on the Rise" (2000) 42 Canadian Journal of Criminology 249-280.

"Chief Justice Lamer and Some Myths About Judicial Activism" (2000) 5 Canadian Criminal Law Review 21-40.

"Gladue: The Judicial and Political Reception of a Priomising Decision" (2000) 42 Canadian Journal of Criminology 355-388 (with J. Rudin).

"Multidisciplinary Law Partnerships and Practices: Problems, Prospects and Policy Options" (2000) 79 Canadian Bar Review 1–80 (with E. Iacobucci).

"The Future of Multidisciplinary Practice" in Pitblado Lectures, 1999(Winnipeg: Law Society of Manitoba, 2000) 305-320.

"Justice La Forest: A Bickelian Balancer of State and Individual Interests" in W. Maclachlan, ed., Justice La Forest (Winnipeg: Supreme Court Historical Society, 1999) 163-192.

"Restructuring of the Legal Profession" in W.A. Bogart, ed., in Access to Affordable and Appropriate Law Related Services in 2020 (Ottawa: Canadian Bar Association, 1999) 77-84.

"Comparative Common Law—The Consequences of Differing Incentives to Litigate" in P. Newman, ed., The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law (London: MacMillan Press 1999).

"Crime Victims and and Substantive Criminal Law," "Crime Victims and Criminal Procedure," and "Crime Victims and Sentencing" (overlapping articles) in D. Stuart et al., eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law (Toronto: Carswell, 1999) 219-230, 372-377, 513-519.

"Criminal Procedure in Canada" in C. Bradley, ed., A Worldwide Study of Criminal Procedure (Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 1999) 53-79.

"The Effects of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on the Canadian Criminal Justice System" (1999) 33 Israel Law Review 607-637.

"Four Models of the Criminal Process" (1999) 89 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 671-716.

"Inquiring into the Causes of Wrongful Conviction" (1999) 35 Criminal Law Bulletin 152-169.

"The Evolving Test for Stays of Proceedings" (1998) 40 Criminal Law Quarterly 400-443 (with J.R.S. Pritchard).

"Borderline Justice: Choosing Juries in the Two Niagaras" (1997) 31 Israel Law Review 120-158 (with M.L. Friedland); and in J. Fletcher, ed., Essays in Honour of Peter Russell (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999) 205-241.

"Private Enforcement of Competition Laws" (1997) Policy Options 17; (1996) Osgoode Hall Law Journal, Vol. 34, p. 461 (with M.J. Trebilcock).

"What’s New and Old About the Legal Process" (1997) 47 University of Toronto Law Journal 363-394.

"Fundamental Reforms to Civil Litigation" in Ontario Law Reform Commission Research Studies for the Civil Justice Review (Toronto: Ontario Law Reform Commission, 1996) 381-447.

"Institutional Choice, Co-Operation and Struggle in the Age of the Charter" in J. Cameron, ed., The Charter and Criminal Justice (Toronto: Carswell, 1996) 347-358.

"The Right to a Fair Trial in Canada" in R. Wolfrum and D. Weissbradt, eds., Fair Trial Rights in International and Domestic Law (Berlin: Spriner, 1996) 3-30 (with M.L. Friedland).

"Borderline Justice: Policing in the Two Niagaras" (1996) 23 American Journal of Criminal Law 241-352 (with M.L. Friedland).

"The Evolving Fair Trial Test Under Section 24(2) of The Charter" (1996) 1 Canadian Criminal Law Review 69-85.

"Private Enforcement of Competition Laws" (1996) 34 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 363-394 (with M.J. Trebilcock).

"Systemic Racism and Criminal Justice Policy" (1996) 15 Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 236-249.

"A Third Model of Criminal Justice: The Victim Rights Model” (1996) 17(1) Policy Options 17-21.

"Public Inquiries and the Processes of Accountability" in P. Stenning, ed., Accountability for Criminal Justice (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995) 268-293.

"Challenges for Cause and Racial Discrimination" (1995) 37 Criminal Law Quarterly 410-427.

"Developments in Criminal Procedure: the 1993-1994 Term" (1995) 6 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 281-342.

"Public Inquiries, Prosecutions or Both?" (1994) 43 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 415-426.

"The Role of Litigation and the Charter in Interest Advocacy" in L. Seidle, ed., Equity and Community: The Charter, Interest Advocacy and Representation (Montreal, Institute for Research on Public Policy, Renouf Publishers, 1993) 149-178.

"The Problems of Public Choice: The Case of Short Limitation Periods" (1993) 31 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 721-760.

“Remedies for Violations of Aboriginal Rights” (1992) 21 Manitoba Law Journal 498-543.

"Chartering the Electoral Map into the Future" in J. Courtney, D. Smith and P. MacKinnon, eds., Drawing Boundaries (Saskatoon: Fifth House Publishers 1992) 200-219.

"The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Criminal Process" in J. Gladstone, R. Ericson and C. Shearing, eds., Readings in Criminology (Toronto: Centre for Criminology, 1991) 196-224.

"One Person, One Vote? Canadian Constitutional Standards for Electoral Distribution and Districting," vol. 11 of the Research Studies of the Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing, in D. Small, ed., Drawing the Map: Equality and Efficacy of the Vote in Canadian Electoral Boundary Reform (Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1991) 3-90.

"Constitutional Remedies as Constitutional Hints: A Comment on The Queen v. Schachter" (1991) 36 McGill Law Journal 1-38 (with N. Duclos).

"The Limits of Corrective Justice and the Potential of Equity in Constitutional Remedies" (1991) 33 Arizona Law Review 859-905.

"Teaching Procedures: The Fiss/Weinrib Debate in Practice" (1991) 41 University of Toronto Law Journal 247-286.

"Regulating Traffic Safety" in M.L. Friedland, ed., Securing Compliance: Seven Case Studies (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990) 165-324 (with M.L. Friedland and M.J. Trebilcock).

"Reapportionment in British Columbia" (1990) 24 University of British Columbia Law Review 79-102.

"The Administrative Law Scholarship of D.M. Gordon" (1989) 34 McGill Law Journal 1-38.

"Smith and the Supreme Court: Implications for Sentencing Policy and Reform" (1989) 11 Supreme Court Law Review 433-479.

"Section 24(1) of the Charter: Strategy and Structure" (1987) 29 Criminal Law Quarterly 222-272.

"Constitutionalizing Disrepute: Exclusion of Evidence After Therens" (1986) 44 University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 209-256.

Backgrounders and Briefs

Brief to the House of Commons' Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics: Analysis and Proposals on the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act
Craig Forcese and Kent Roach

Proposed Amendments to Bill C-51, Antiterrorism Act 2015
Craig Forcese and Kent Roach

Bill C-51 Backgrounder #5: Oversight and Review: Turning Accountability Gaps into Canyons?
Craig Forcese, Kent Roach and Leah Sherriff

Bill C-51 Backgrounder #4: The Terrorism Propaganda Provisions
Kent Roach and Craig Forcese

Bill C-51 Backgrounder # 3: Sharing Information and Lost Lessons from the Maher Arar Experience
Kent Roach and Craig Forcese

Bill C-51 Backgrounder #2: The Canadian Security Intelligence Service's Proposed Power to 'Reduce' Security Threats Through Conduct that May Violate the Law and Charter
Craig Forcese and Kent Roach

Bill C-51 Backgrounder #1: The New Advocating or Promoting Terrorism Offence
Kent Roach and Craig Forcese


Introduction to Special Issue on Wrongful Convictions” (2016) 63 C.L.Q. 411-413.

Dialogue Between the Court and Parliament: A Recent Charter Trilogy” (2016) 63 C.L.Q. 251-254.

Repealing Bill C-51’s Problematic Features is not Enough” (2016) 64 C.L.Q. 1-4.

Vandalizing the Criminal Code with Irrational and Arbitrary Restrictions on Provocation” (2015) 62 C.L.Q. 403-406.

The Anti-Terrorism Act, 2015” (2015) 62 C.L.Q. 233-235.

Responding to Unsustainable Policing Costs” (2015) 62 C.L.Q. 1-3.

After Harkat: The No Win Solution of Deportation” (2014) 61 C.L.Q. 279-282.

Determining the Seriousness of the Violation under Section 24(2) of the Charter” (2014) 61 Criminal Law Quarterly 157-160.

Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women” (2014) 61 Criminal Law Quarterly 1-4.

CSEC’s Airport Program: Questions of Legality, Propriety and the Adequacy of Review” (2014) 60 C.L.Q. 469-471.

The Changed Nature of the Harm Debate” (2014) 60 C.L.Q. 321-323.

The Duress Mess” (2013) 60 C.L.Q. 159-162.

The Combatting Terrorism Act and the VIA Terrorism Arrests: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back” (2013) 60 C.L.Q. 1-4.

A Missed Opportunity to Reform Witness Protection” (2013) 59 C.L.Q.441-443.

"Reforming Public Complaints Against the RCMP" (2012) 59 Crim L.Q. 163-166.

"Learning from the G20 Reports" (2012) 59 Crim L.Q. 1-3.

"The Dangerous Game of Complicity in Torture" (2012) 58 Crim L.Q. 303-306.

An Independent Commission to Review Claims of Wrongful Convictions: Lessons from North Carolina?” (2012) 58 C.L.Q. 283-302.

"Criminal Case Review Commissions and Ministerial Post-Conviction Review" (2012) 58 Crim L.Q. 135-136.

"The UN's Failed Response to Terrorism" (2011) 58 Crim L.Q. 1-3.

"Strip Searches" (2011) 57 Crim L.Q. 419-421.

"Reforming Self-Defence and Defence of Property: Choices to be Made" (2011) 57 Crim L.Q. 151-154.

"Sentencing Terrorists" (2011) 57 Crim.L.Q. 1-4.

"Section 24(2) of the Charter" (2010) 56 Crim L.Q. 365-367.

"The Khadr Case: And Inadequate and Ineffective Remedy" (2010) 56 Crim L.Q. 213-215.

"Sentencing and Charter Violations and Other Abuses of State Power" (2010) 56 Crim L.Q. 1-4.

"The Role and Accountability of Prosecutors" (2010) 55 Crim L.Q. 429-431.

"The Future of Exclusion of Evidence after Grant and Bjelland" (2009) 55 Crim L.Q. 285-287.

"Listing and the Law" (2009) 55 Criminal Law Quarterly 1-3.

"Gladue at Ten" (2009) 54 Criminal Law Quarterly 411-413.

"The Ottawa Terrorism Conviction: R v. Khawaja" (2009) 54 Criminal Law Quarterly 253-257.

"The Toronto Terrorism Conviction" (2008) 54 Criminal Law Quarterly 157-161.

"The Future of Mandatory Sentencing after the Death of Constitutional Exemptions" (2008) 54 Criminal Law Quarterly 1-4.

"The Future of Section 24(2) of the Charter" (2008) 53 Criminal Law Quarterly 405-408.

"Rates of Imprisonment and Criminal Justice Policy" (2008) 53 Criminal Law Quarterly 273-275.

"The Stephen Truscott Case" (2007) 53 Criminal Law Quarterly 149-152.

"R. v. Hape Creates Charter-Free Zones for Canadian Officials Abroad" (2007) 53 Criminal Law Quarterly 1-4.

"The Parliamentary Review of the Anti-Terrorism Act" (2007) 52 Criminal Law Quarterly 289-293.

"Understanding and Preventing Wrongful Convictions" (2007) 52 Criminal Law Quarterly 125-127.

"The Late Law Commission" (2006) 52 Criminal Law Quarterly 1-3.

"The Toronto Terrorism Arrests" (2006) 51 Criminal Law Quarterly 389-392.

"Counsellling Murder and the Problems Presented by Hamilton" [PDF] (2006) 51 Criminal Law Quarterly 265-267.

"Responding to Gun Violence" [PDF] (2006) 51 Criminal Law Quarterly 129-132.

"The Three Year Review of the Anti-Terrorism Act" [PDF] (2005) 51 Criminal Law Quarterly 1-3.

"Jobidon Revisited in Paice" [PDF] (2005) 50 Criminal Law Quarterly 357-359.

"The Air India Trial" [PDF] (2005) 50 Criminal Law Quarterly 213-215.

"Victims' Rights" [PDF] (2005) 49 Criminal Law Quarterly 377-378.

"New and Problematic Restrictions on Constitutional Remedies: R. v. Demers" [PDF] (2004) 49 Criminal Law Quarterly 253-255.

"The Courts and Terrorism" [PDF] (2004) 49 Criminal Law Quarterly 129-131.

"The Importance of Air of Reality Tests" [PDF] (2004) 49 Criminal Law Quarterly 1-3.

"Supreme Court of Canada Appointments and Judicial Independence" [PDF] (2004) 48 Criminal Law Quarterly 397-399.

"A Statistical Snapshot of the Criminal Justice System" [PDF] (2004) 48 Criminal Law Quarterly 269-270.

"Calling Out the Troops" (2003) 48 Criminal Law Quarterly 141-143.

"The Criminal Trial Court" [PDF] (2003) 48 Criminal Law Quarterly 1-3.

"Decriminalization of Marijuana" [PDF] (2003) 47 Criminal Law Quarterly 397-399.

"Race and Sentencing" [PDF] (2003) 47 Criminal Law Quarterly 233-235.

"Ethics and Criminal Justice" [PDF] (2003) 47 Criminal Law Quarterly 121-123.

"Responding to Terrorism and the Proposed Public Safety Act" [PDF] (2002) 47 Criminal Law Quarterly 1-3.

"The Youth Criminal Justice Act" [PDF] (2002) 46 Criminal Law Quarterly 265-267.

"Stays of Proceedings for Abuse of Process" [PDF] (2002) 46 Criminal Law Quarterly 129-130.

"Twenty Years of the Charter and Criminal Justice" [PDF] (2002) 46 Criminal Law Quarterly 1-3.

"Responding to Terrorism (II)" [PDF] (2001) 45 Criminal Law Quarterly 389-391.

"Responding to Terrorism" [PDF] (2001) 45 Criminal Law Quarterly 249-251.

"Burns and Rafay" [PDF] (2001) 44 Criminal Law Quarterly 437-439.

"Mandatory Sentences" [PDF] (2001) 44 Criminal Law Quarterly 261-263.

"Why Starr Should Not be Suspended: Reasonable Doubts and Fair Trials" [PDF] (2001) 44 Criminal Law Quarterly 133-135.

"Panicking Over Criminal Organizations: We Don’t Need Another Offence" [PDF] (2001) 44 Criminal Law Quarterly 1-3.

"Smoking Guns: Beyond the Murray Case" [PDF] (2000) 43 Criminal Law Quarterly 409-410.

"Conditional Sentences and Net Widening" [PDF] (2000) 43 Criminal Law Quarterly 273-275.

"Mills" [PDF] (2000) 43 Criminal Law Quarterly 145-147.

"Beyond Salary Commissions for Provincial Courts" [PDF] (2000) 43 Criminal Law Quarterly 1-3.

"Here We Go Again: Reviving the Real Evidence Distinction under Section 24(2)" [PDF] (1999) 42 Criminal Law Quarterly 397-398.

"Preserving Preliminary Inquiries" [PDF] (1999) 42 Criminal Law Quarterly 161-163.

"When Should the Section 33 Override Be Used?" [PDF] (1999) 42 Criminal Law Quarterly 1-2.

"Prostitution" [PDF] (1999) 41 Criminal Law Quarterly 393-394.

"Provocation and Mandatory Life Imprisonment" [PDF] (1998) 41 Criminal Law Quarterly 273-275.

"The Death Penalty and Wrongful Convictions" [PDF] (1998) 41 Criminal Law Quarterly 145-146.

"Appointing Supreme Court Justices" [PDF] (1998) 41 Criminal Law Quarterly 1-2.

"Thirty Years of Alan Mewett’s Editorials" [PDF] (1998) 40 Criminal Law Quarterly 257-262.

"The Supreme Court and Sentencing" [PDF] (1997) 40 Criminal Law Quarterly 129-130.

"Legislative Failure and Law Reform" [PDF] (1997) 40 Criminal Law Quarterly 2-4.

Op eds (various) published in The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Ottawa Citizen and Montreal Gazette, including:

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