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Books and Edited Collections

David Dyzenhaus and Malcolm Thorburn, eds, Philosophical Foundations of Constitutional Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016).

David Dyzenhaus and Thomas Poole, eds., Law Liberty and State: Hayek, Schmitt and Oakeshott on the rule of law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015).

David Dyzenhaus and Thomas Poole, eds., Hobbes and the Law, (Cambridge: Cambridge: University Press, 2012).

David Dyzenhaus and Adam Tomkins, eds., (2010) 60 University of Toronto Law Journal, special issue on The Role of the Courts in Constitutional Law.

Hard Cases in Wicked Legal Systems: South African Law in the Perspective of Legal Philosophy (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991); 2nd edition as Hard Cases in Wicked Legal Systems: Pathologies of Legality (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).

A Simple Common Lawyer: Essays in Honour of Michael Taggart (David Dyzenhaus, Murray Hunt, and Grant Huscroft, eds.) (Hart, 2009).

Civil Rights and Security (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2008).

The Constitution of Law: Legality in a Time of Emergency (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006).

Calling Power to Account: Law, Reparations and the Chinese Head Tax (edited with Mayo Moran) (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005).

David Dyzenhaus, Harry Arthurs, Martin Loughlin, and Mike Taggart, eds., Administrative Law Today: Culture, Ideas, Institutions, Processes, Values: essays in honour of John Willis, (2005) 55 University of Toronto Law Journal.

The Unity of Public Law, edited collection, (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2004).

Law and Morality: Readings in Legal Philosophy, (edited with Arthur Ripstein) (Toronto:  University of Toronto Press, 1996; 2nd edition, 2001, 3rd edition with Sophia Moreau, 2007).

Recrafting the Rule of Law: The Limits of Legal Order, edited collection (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 1999).

Judging the Judges, Judging Ourselves: Truth, Reconciliation and the Apartheid Legal Order (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 1998).

Law as Politics: Carl Schmitt’s Critique of Liberalism (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1998) [with a new introduction by David Dyzenhaus and a preface by Ronald Beiner].

Legality and Legitimacy: Carl Schmitt, Hans Kelsen, and Hermann Heller in Weimar (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999).

Carl Schmitt, edited collection of essays in a special issue of the Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence X (1997).

Articles in Books

“Deliberative Constitutionalism Through the Lens of the Administrative State”, forthcoming in Hoi Kong and Ron Levy, eds., The Cambridge Handbook of Deliberative Constitutionalism (CUP).

“A Monistic Approach to the Internationalization of Constitutional Law”, forthcoming in Krzysztof Wojtyczek et al., eds., Liber Amicorum for Andras Sajo.

“The Moral Distinctiveness of Legislated Law”, 30 pages, Nomos (New York: New York University Press, forthcoming).

“Dworkin and Unjust Law”, 50 pages, in Stephen Sciaraffa and Wil Waluchow, eds., The Legacy of Ronald Dworkin (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming).

“Dugardian legal theory”, in Tiyanjana Maluwa, Max Du Plessis, and Dire Tladi, eds., The Pursuit of International Law in a Brave New World: Essays in Honour of John Dugard (Brill, 2017) 1-41.

“Dreaming the rule of law”, in David Dyzenhaus and Thomas Poole, eds, Law Liberty and State: Oakeshott, Hayek and Schmitt on the Rule of Law (Cambridge University Press, 2017) 234-260.

“The Concept of the Rule-of-Law State in Carl Schmitt’s Verfassungslehre” in Jens Meiherhenrich and Oliver Simons, eds, The Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017) 490-509.

“The Idea of a Constitution: A Plea for Staatsrechtslehre”in David Dyzenhaus and Malcolm Thorburn, eds, Philosophical Foundations of Constitutional Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016) 9-32.

“What is a democratic culture of justification?”, in Murray Hunt, Hayler Hooper, and Paul Yowell, eds., Parliaments and Human Rights: Redressing the Democratic Deficit (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2015) 425-445.

“Hermann Heller and the ‘Jewish Element’ in German Public Law Theory”, 60 pages, in Moritz  Epple, Johannes Fried, Raphael Gross, Janus Gudian, eds., ‘Politisierung der Wissenschaft’. Jüdische Wissenschaftler und ihre Gegner an der Universität Frankfurt vor und nach 1933 (Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2015).

“Freedom under an Order of Public Law: From Hobbes through Hayek to Republicanism”, in Renata Uitz, ed., Freedom and its Enemies: The Tragedy of Liberty (The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, 2015) 79-105.

“Liberty and legal form”, in Lisa Austin and Dennis Klimchuk, eds., The Rule of Law and Private Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014) 92-115.

“One family member’s perspective on the legacy of critical illness”, in Stevens, Hart and Herridge, eds, Textbook of Post-ICU Medicine: The Legacy of Critical Care (Oxford University Press, 2014).

"Proportionality and deference in a culture of justification", in Grant Huscroft, ed. Proportionality and the Rule of Law: Rights, Justification, Reasoning (Cambridge University Press, 2014) 234-258.

"The 'Organic Law' of Ex Parte Milligan", in Austin Sarat, ed. Sovereignty, Emergency, Legality. (Cambridge University Press, 2013).

“Preventive Justice and the Rule of Law Project”, in Andrew Ashworth, Lucia Zedner,and Patrick Tomlin,  eds., Prevention and the Limits of the Criminal Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013) 91-114.

"Leviathan as a Theory of Transitional Justice", in Melissa Williams and Jon Elster, eds., Nomos volume on transitional justice May 2012.

"States of Emergency”, in Michel Rosenfeld and Andras Sajo, eds., Oxford Handbook on Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012) 442-462.

"The incoherencies of constitutional positivism", in Grant Huscroft, ed., Expounding the Constitution: Essays in Constitutional Theory (Cambridge University Press, 2011) 138-160.

“Hobbes’s Constitutional Theory” in Ian Shapiro, ed., Leviathan: Or The Matter, Forme, & Power of a Common-wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civill (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010) 453-480.

"The Legitimacy of the Rule of Law", in David Dyzenhaus, Murray Hunt, and Grant Huscroft, eds., A Simple Common Lawyer: Essays in Honour of Michael Taggart (Hart, 2009) 33-54.

"The Compulsion of Legality", in Victor Ramraj, ed., Emergencies and the Limits of Legality (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008) 31-59.

“The Politics of the Question of Constituent Power”,  in Martin Loughlin and Neil Walker, ed., The Paradox of Constitutionalism: Constituent Power and Constitutional Form (Oxford University Press, 2008) 129-45.

“States of Emergency” in Robert E Goodin, Philip Pettit, and Thomas Pogge, eds., A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy (Oxford: Blackwell’s, 2007) volume 2, 804-12. 

“Deference, Security and Human Rights” co-authored with Murray Hunt, in Ben Goold and Liora Lazarus, eds., Security and Human Rights (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2007) 125-56.

"Reasoned Decisions in Legal Theory" co-authored with Mike Taggart, in D Edlin, ed., Common Law Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007) 134-167.

"The Rule of Law as the Rule of Liberal Principle" in Ripstein, ed., Ronald Dworkin (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007) 56-81. (download article)

"David Mullan's Theory of the Rule of Law" in Grant Huscroft and Mike Taggart, eds., Inside and Outside Canadian Administrative Law: Essays in Honour of David Mullan (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006) 448-84.

“Disobeying Parliament? Privative Clauses and the Rule of Law” in Richard W. Bauman and Tsvi Kahana, eds., The Least Examined Branch: The Role of Legislatures in the Constitutional State (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006) 499-518. 

"The State of Emergency in Legal Theory" in Victor V. Ramraj, Michael Hor, and Kent Roach, eds., Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005) 65-89.

“The Dilemma of Legality and the Moral Limits of Law”, in Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas, and Marthaf Merrill Umphrey, eds., The Limits of Law (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2005) 109-154. 

“The Juristic Force of Injustice”, in Dyzenhaus and Moran, eds., Calling Power to Account: Law, Reparations and the Chinese Head Tax (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005) 256-284.

"Mack v. AG Canada: Equality, History, and Reparation" in David Dyzenhaus and Mayo Moran, eds., Calling Power to Account: Law, Reparations and the Chinese Head Tax (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006).

"Carl Schmitt" contribution (500 words) to the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

"The Case for Public Investment in the Humanities" in Iacobucci and Tuohy, eds, Taking Public Universities Seriously (University of Toronto Press, 2005) 164-73.

"The Unity of Public Law?" in D. Dyzenhaus, ed., The Unity of Public Law (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2004) 1-19.

"Constituting the Enemy: A Response to Carl Schmitt" in A Sajo, ed., Militant Democracy (Eleven International Publishing: The Netherlands, 2004) 15-45.

"The Unwritten Constitution and the Rule of Law" in Grant Huscroft and I Brodie, eds. Constitutionalism in the Charter Era (LexisNexis: Canada, 2004) 383-412.

"The Justice of the Common Law: Judges, Democracy and the Limits of the Rule of Law" in Cheryl Saunders and Katherine Le Roy, eds., The Rule of Law (The Federation Press: Sydney, 2003) 21-51.

"Aspiring to the Rule of Law" in Tom Campbell, Jeffrey Goldsworthy and Adrienne Stone, eds., Protecting Human Rights: Instruments and Institutions (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003) 195-209.

'Leviathan in the 1930s: The Reception of Hobbes in the Third Reich" in John McCormick, ed., Confronting Mass Democracy and Industrial Technology: Political and Social Theory from Nietzsche to Habermas (Duke University Press: North Carolina, 2002) 163-191.

"With the Benefit of Hindsight: South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission" in Emilios Christodoulidis and Scott Veitch, eds., Lethe's Law (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2001).

“The Permanence of the Temporary” in Ron Daniels et al. eds., The Security of Freedom (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001) 1. (view abstract)

“Form and Substance in the Rule of Law” in C. Forsyth, ed., Judicial Review and the Constitution, (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2000) 141.

“The Gorgon Head of Power: Heller and Kelsen on the Rule of Law” in Caldwell and Scheuerman, eds, From Liberal Democracy to Fascism: Political and Legal Thought in the Weimar Republic (Brill, 2000) 20-46.
Herman Heller” [article introducing his life and work, together with translation of substantial extracts from his work] in Arthur J. Jacobson and Bernhard Schlink, eds.,  Weimar: A Jurisprudence of Crisis (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000) 249-279.

“Putting the State Back in Credit” in Chantal Mouffe, ed., The Challenge of Carl Schmitt (London: Verso, 1999) 75-91.

Translation of Schmitt 'Ethic of State', in Chantal Mouffe, ed., The Challenge of Carl Schmitt (London: Verso, 1999) 195-208.

“Fuller's Novelty” in Witteveen and Van Der Burg, eds., Rediscovering Fuller (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1999), 78-99.

“Conscience and the Law: Liberal and Democratic Approaches” in Nomos XL: Integrity and Conscience (New York: New York University Press, 1998) 187-217.

“Normative Justifications for the Provision of Legal Aid" in Report of the Ontario Legal Aid Review: A Blueprint for Publicly Funded Legal Services (1997) 475.

“The Politics of Deference: Judicial Review and Democracy” in M. Taggart, ed., The Province of Administrative Law (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 1997) 279-307.

“Developments in Administrative Law: the 1992-93 Term” (1994) 5 Supreme Court Law Review 189.

“Developments in Administrative Law: the 1991-92 Term” (1993) 4 Supreme Court Law Review 177.

“John Stuart Mill and the Harm of Pornography” in Gerald Dworkin, ed., Mill's “On Liberty”: Critical Essays (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 1997), 31-53. [Reprinted from (1992) 102 Ethics 534.]

“John Stuart Mill and the Harm of Pornography” in Routledge Companion to John Stuart Mill [forthcoming].  [Reprinted from (1992) 102 Ethics 534.]

“John Stuart Mill and the Harm of Pornography” in Chin Liew Chen, ed., Mill's Moral, Political and Legal Philosophy (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing).  [Reprinted from (1992) 102 Ethics 534.]

“Liberalism, Pornography and the Rule of Law” in R. Devlin, ed., Canadian Perspectives on Legal Theory (Emond Montgomery, 1991) 7.

Articles in Journals

The Rule of Law project”, Apr 8, 2016 129 Harv. L. Rev. F. 268.

“Process and Substance as Aspects of the Public Law Form” (2015) 74 Cambridge Law Journal 284-306.

“The Public Conscience of the Law from Hobbes to Hart”, (2015) 45 Ragion Pratica 565-598.

“Kelsen, Heller and Schmitt: Paradigms of Sovereignty Thought”, (2015) 16 Theoretical Inquiries in Law, 337-366.

“The Public Conscience of the Law”, (2014) 43 Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 115-126.

“Critical Notice (Review Article) of Philip Pettit, On the people’s terms”, (2013) 43 Canadian Journal of Philosophy 494-513.

“Hobbes on the international rule of law”, (2014) 23 Ethics & International Affairs 53-64.

“Constitutionalism in an Old Key: Legality and Constituent Power”, (2012) 1:2 Global Constitutionalism 229-260.

“Dignity in Administrative Law:  Judicial Deference in a Culture of Justification”, (2012) 17 Review of Constitutional Studies 87-14.

"The End of the Road to Serfdom" (2013) U.T.L.J. 310-326.

"Positivism and the Pesky Sovereign" (2011) European Journal of International Law Vol. 22, no.2, 363-372.

"Austin, Hobbes, Dicey" (2011) 24 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 411-430.

"Constitutionalism in an old key: Legality and constituent power", (2012) Global Constitutionalism, 1:2, 229-260. 

"Emergency, Liberalism and the State" (2011) 9 Perspectives on Politics 69-79.

"Rand's Legal Republicanism" (2010) 55 McGill Law Journal 491-510.

"The Very Idea of a Judge" in David Dyzenhaus and Adam Tomkins, eds., (2010)  60 University of Toronto Law Journal, special issue on The Role of the Courts in Constitutional Law 61-80.

"How Hobbes Met the 'Hobbes Challenge' " (2009) 72 Modern Law Review 488-506.

"The Puzzle of Martial Law", (2009) 59 University of Toronto Law Journal 1-64.

"Are Legislatures Good at Morality? Or Better at it Than the Courts?" (2009) 7 International Journal of Constitutional Law 46-52.

The Grudge Informer Case Revisited” (2008) 83 New York University Law Review 1000-1034.

“The Pasts and Future of the Rule of Law in South Africa” (2008) 124 South African Law Journal 734-761.

“Cycles of Legality in Emergency Times” (2007) 18 Public Law Review 165.

Schmitt v. Dicey: Are States of Emergency Inside or Outside the Legal Order” (2006) 27 Cardozo Law Review 2005.

“The Demise of Legal Positivism” (2006) 119 Harvard Law Review Forum 112-121. 

The Logic of the Rule of Law – Lessons from Willis” (2005) 55 University of Toronto Law Journal 691-714.

"An unfortunate outburst of Anglo-Saxon Parochialism" (2005) 68 Modern Law Review 673-676.

The Rule of (Administrative) Law in International Law” (2005) 68 Law and Contemporary Problems 127-166.

"Intimations of Legality Amid the Clash of Arms" (2004) 2 International Journal of Constitutional Law 244-271.

"The Deep Structure of Roncarelli v Duplessis" (2004) 53 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 111-154.

"The Left and the Question of Law" (2004) 17 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 7-30.

"The Genealogy of Legal Positivism" (2004) 24 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 39-67.

Humpty Dumpty Rules or the Rule of Law” (2003) 28 Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 1-30.

"Judicial Independence, Transitional Justice and the Rule of Law" (2003) 10 Otago Law Review 345-369.

"Transitional Justice" (2003) 1 International Journal of Constitutional Law 163-175.

"Formalism's Hollow Victory" (2002) IV New Zealand Law Review 525-556.

"Constituting the Rule of Law: Fundamental Values in Administrative Law" (2002) 27 Queen's Law Journal 445-509.

"Rethinking the Process/Substance Distinction: Baker v. Canada" (2001) 51 University of Toronto Law Journal 193-240. (With Evan Fox-Decent)

"The Principle of Legality in Administrative Law: Internationalisation as Constitutionalisation" (2001) 1 Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 5-34. (with Murray Hunt and Michael Taggart)

“Hobbes and the Legitimacy of Law” (2001) 20 Law and Philosophy 461-491.

Caveat Reviewer: A Response to Matthew Kramer” (2001) 21 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 702-704. (download article)

“Justifying the Truth and Reconciliation Commission” (2000) 8 Journal of Political Philosophy 470-496.

“Positivism's Stagnant Research Programme” (2000) 20 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 703-722. (download paper)

“The Difference Law Makes” Review Article of Abel, Politics By Other Means and Lobban, White Man's Justice (1997) 60 Modern Law Review 866. (download article

“Critical Notice of Larmore, The Morals of Modernity” (1998) 28n Canadian Journal of Philosophy 269.

“Reuniting the Brain: The Democratic Basis of Judicial Review” (1998) 9 Public Law Review 98.

“Law as Justification: Etienne Mureinik's Conception of Legal Culture” (1998) 14 South African Journal on Human Rights 11.

“Legal Theory in the Collapse of Weimar: Contemporary Lessons” (1997) 91 American Political Science Review 121.

“Holmes and Carl Schmitt: an Unlikely Pair?” (1997) 63 Brooklyn Law Review 165.

“Herman Heller” [article introducing his life and work, together with translation of most of Part III of Heller's Staatslehre] (1996) 3 Cardozo Law Review 1129.

“Hermann Heller and the Legitimacy of Legality” (1996) 16 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 641.

“Liberalism After the Fall” (1996) 22 Philosophy and Social Criticism 9.

“The Legitimacy of Legality” (1996) 82 Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 324 and (1996) 46 University of Toronto Law Journal 129.

“Now the Machine Runs Itself: Carl Schmitt on Hobbes and Kelsen” (1994) 16 Cardozo Law Review 1. (download article

“CUPE's Spirit?” (1994) 15 Administrative Law Reports 73.

“The Legitimacy of Law: A Response to Critics” (1994) 7 Ratio Juris 80.

“Pornography and Public Reason” (1994) 7 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 261.

“Law and Public Reason” (1993) 38 McGill Law Journal 367. (download article)

Dicey's Shadow” Review Article of P. Craig Public Law and Democracy in the United Kingdom and the United States of America (1993) 43 University of Toronto Law Journal 127.

“Why Positivism is Authoritarian” (1992) 37 American Journal of Jurisprudence 83. (download article

“John Stuart Mill and the Harm of Pornography” (1992) 102 Ethics 534.

“Liberalism, Autonomy, and Neutrality” Review Article of Offense to Others by J. Feinberg and Contemporary Political Philosophy by W. Kymlicka (1992) 42 University of Toronto Law Journal 354.

“Law's Potential” Review Article of In a Time of Trouble: Law and Liberty in South Africa's State of Emergency by S. Ellman (1992) 7 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 237-251.

“Regulating Free Speech” (1991) 23 Ottawa Law Review 219. (download article

“Obscenity and the Charter: Autonomy and Equality” (1991) 1 Criminal Reports 367.

“Democracy, Rights, and the Law” (1991) 7 South African Journal on Human Rights 24. (download article

“Judicial Review, Jurisprudence and the Wizard of Oz” (1990) 1 Public Law Review 21. (with M. Taggart)

“The Disappearance of Law?” (1990) 107 South African Law Journal 227.

“Should Community Standards Determine Obscenity?” (1990) 72 Criminal Reports 49.

“The New Positivists” (1989) 39 University of Toronto Law Journal 361.

“Christopher Forsyth - In Danger for Their Talents” Review Article (1986) 2 South African Journal on Human Rights 351.

“Bail, Security, and Rights” (1986) 2 South African Journal on Human Rights 85. 

“Judges, Equity, and Truth” (1985) 102 South African Law Journal 295.

“Judging the Judges and Ourselves III: The Just Judge and Other Subversives” (1984) 101 South African Law Journal 733.

“Judging the Judges and Ourselves II: The Just Judge and Other Subversives” (1984) 101 South African Law Journal 553.

“Judging the Judges and Ourselves” (1983) 100 South African Law Journal 496.

“Positivism and Validity” (1983) 100 South African Law Journal 454.

“Peregrines go Home” (1982) 99 South African Law Journal 538.

“LC Steyn in Perspective” (1982) 99 South African Law Journal 380.

Book Reviews

Review of Jeffrey Brand-Ballard, Limits of Legality: The Ethics of Lawless Judging (2011) 121 Ethics  420-423.

Review of The Constitution of Independence: The Development of Constitutional Theory in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand by Peter C. Oliver (2006) Public Law 638-641. 

Review of Constitutional Justice, Public Law, by TRS Allan (2002) Public Law 379-381.

Jurgen Habermas, The Postnational Constellation: Political Essays and Mark Lilla, The Reckless Mind: Intellectuals in Politics, Ethics, forthcoming, 7 pages.

Review of Nicola Lacey Unspeakable Subjects, Philosophical Books, forthcoming.

Review of W Waluchow Freedom of Expression, Canadian Journal of Political Science, forthcoming.

Review of W Scheuerman Between the Norm and the Exception (1996) University of Toronto Law Journal 2, 499-537.

TRS Allan Law, Liberty, and Justice (1995) 45 University of Toronto Law Journal 205.

Ingo Mueller Hitler’s Justice: The Courts of the Third Reich (1993) 4 Public Law Review 142.

Albie Sachs Protecting Human Rights in a New South Africa and Mike Robertson, ed., Human Rights for South Africans, forthcoming in Journal of Southern African Studies.

Matthew Kramer Legal Theory, Political Theory, and Deconstruction: Against Rhadamanthus (1991)XI Canadian Philosophical Reviews 401.

Michael Martin  The Legal Philosophy of HLA Hart: A Critical Appraisal (1988) 29 Philosophical Books 250.

Deryck Beyleveld and Roger Brownsword Law as a Moral Judgment (1988) 105 South African Law Journal 164.

Anthony T Kronman Max Weber (1985) 102 South African Law Journal 363.

Neil MacCormick Legal Right and Social Democracy (1984) 101 South African Law Journal 774.

Robert S Summers Lon L Fuller (1984) 101 South African Law Journal 770.

Michael J Sandel Liberalism and the Limits of Justice (1983)100 South African Law Journal 779.

PS Atiyah Promises, Morals, and Law (1983) 100 South African Law Journal 776.

MCJ Olmesdahl and NC Steytler (eds) Criminal Justice in South Africa (1983) 100 South African Law Journal 554.

Jerry D Rose Outbreaks: The Sociology of Collective Behaviour (1983) 100 South African Law Journal 162.

FAR Bennion Statute Law (1983) 100 South African Law Journal 157.

Richard Hodder-Williams The Politics of the US Supreme Court (1983) 100 South African Law Journal 153.

Ian Taylor Law and Order - Arguments for Socialism (1982) 99 South African Law Journal 693.

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