Monday, March 6, 2023 - 12:30pm to 2:00pm
J130 Davies Ward Philips & Vineberg LLP Classroom

Lunch N' Code - Session 3
Legal Information & Technology Group

Location: Jackman Building J130




Things will start to get interesting as we will dive further into dealing with intricacies of law as code. This session will be the segway into the final topic of the year: how do we extract useful text from legal documents?

If you need to catch up on the topics discussed in the previous sessions, please visit our YouTube page (, or contact to discuss any coding issues.

This is the third session in the Legal Innovation & Technology Group's workshop series on coding.

Ever wondered how computers are revolutionizing the legal field? Do you want to learn how to do it? Are you interested in learning how to talk to a computer, but are too scared to try because you thought this is only for computer nerds?

If the answer to those questions is yes, then get ready, because you are about to get introduced to a LIT event!

The Legal Innovation and Technology Group is proud to introduce to you the workshop series: Lunch n’ Code. In this one of its kind workshop, participants will be introduced to basics of coding while being treated to a free lunch!

No science or coding background? No worries! The workshop is designed for people with little or no background in science, engineering, or computer programming. The sessions are tailored with a specific focus on the utility of coding in the legal field. Everyone, from every background is encouraged to attend these events and explore what computers are capable of doing in the legal field.

There will be lunch, there will be coding! Simply drop by the session, grab some lunch, sit with your friends and learn some coding in the meantime!

This workshop is suitable for:

• Law students with no background in science or programming, but are interested in learning the basics of computer programming

• Students with coding background who are interested to see the applications of coding in the legal field

• Faculty members who are interested in learning more about the capabilities of computers to revolutionize the field

• Entrepreneur-minded people who believe this technology is about to change how we practice law

• Anyone else who’s interested in grabbing and some food and having a chat about computers!

If you would like to get more information about the event, or if you would like us to help you overcome your stress about learning how to code, do not hesitate to contact us at .

While you are welcome to just sit and participate in the discussion, we highly encourage you to code along with us during the workshop. This would maximize the learning effectiveness of the session, and allows you to discuss your coding problems with the instructor after the session.

The programming language used for these workshops will be R. To be able to code along in the session, you will need to install the R and RStudio applications on your computer. If you need any assistance on how to download R and RStudio please reach out to us and we will be glad to help you with it.

We are so excited to bring this LIT event to you, and we look forward to seeing all the enthusiastic students in this workshop!

For more information, contact: