Tuesday, November 22, 2022 - 12:30pm to 2:00pm
J140 Professor A.V. Dicey Classroom

At the November 22nd session, lawyers from Gowling WLG will impart their perspectives on “The Business of Law”. While law is a vocation built on ethics, integrity, professionalism, and tradition, it is also a business venture. This Leadership Skills session is designed to help law students understand the intricacies of the law firm business model and to put them in a position to seamlessly transition into summer and articling positions. Topics of discussion will include:

The different types of law firm sizes and structures in Canada
An overview of who law firm clients may be
Examining how law firms generate income and the different fee models – billable hours, alternative fee arrangements, the importance of consistent billing practices
Inside the law firm – partners, associates, clerks, students, management and business services support and everyone’s roles

For more information, contact: josh.morrison@utoronto.ca