Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - 12:30pm to Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 1:55pm
Solarium - Falconer Hall (Room FA2) - 84 Queen's Park

James Hausman Tax Law & Policy Workshop

Tim Edgar
Osgoode Hall Law School

Corrective Taxation, Leverage, and Compensation in a
Bloated Financial Sector

Wednesday, March 26, 2014
12:30 - 2:00
Solarium (room FA2), Falconer Hall
84 Queen's Park

The financial crisis of 2007–2009 reinvigorated academic and policymaking interest in the design of prudential regulatory regimes governing the financial sector as a policy instrument intended to moderate financial instability. The crisis also motivated interest in the role of taxation as a complement to these regimes. Yet in practice, the use of tax instruments has been modest. This article considers three tax instruments that could serve this complementary role. Political economy considerations aside, it is  suggested that the use of bank leverage taxes by policymakers as the tax instrument of choice is unsurprising. As recognized in the literature, however, a corrective taxation case can be made for an increase in the rate of such taxes as an instrument to eliminate the availability of cheap debt for  systemically important institutions. Although returns to risk taking is a potentially robust tax base, the weak behavioral properties of this tax instrument have apparently diminished its appeal for policymakers, while a revenue-raising imperative that might otherwise motivate its adoption is muted considerably by the adoption of a bank leverage tax. Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, the tax literature does not consider the case for an excise tax on bonus and performance-based compensation as an instrument to alter the structure of compensation. This may be attributable, in part at least, to redundancy where regulatory regimes can be used to impose constraints with similar intended effects.

A light lunch will be provided.

For more workshop information, please contact Nadia Gulezko at