Wednesday, February 9, 2022 - 12:30pm to 2:00pm
Virtual Event

Crypto assets: Financial and legal innovation in Canada and beyond 
An Introduction to Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, and Digital Assets

Wednesday, February 9th from 12:30pm-2:00pm


According to crypto's strongest proponents, innovations like Bitcoin and Ethereum, NFTs, Web3, and Decentralized Finance represent the future of money, property, work, and finance. But what exactly is a crypto asset, and is the crypto market—which reached a capitalization of almost US $3T last year—really leaving behind traditional financial markets, regulators, and firms as proponents claim?

This session, led by Amanda Ramkissoon and Cory Salveson from the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) Innovation Office, will help you understand crypto assets, the key technologies that enable them, and emerging trends surrounding their use and regulation. From coins to NFTs, centralized trading platforms to DeFi, we will familiarize you with key opportunities and risks through a lens of securities law and its relationship to innovation. 



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