Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - 12:30pm to 1:45pm
J250 Rosalie Silberman Abella Moot Court Room

"How to Collaborate with the Business Team"
Skills for Succeeding In-House and When Advising Large Organizations

with Ciaran McGovern and Andrew Walker of Axiom

Wednesday, November 10th from 12:30pm-1:45pm in Room J250


There is no doubt you need a strong legal background to succeed in the legal profession, but what other skills help to separate the top performers? In today's multi-disciplinary world, lawyers need the ability to emphasize with, understand, and think like their clients and co-workers. They will often need to collaborate directly with the business team, and understand the strategy concerns that drive decision-making processes. In order to provide the best guidance and advice, you may need to tap into the mindset of a project manager, a financial officer, or a business owner. But which of these skills should you cultivate and how are they best utilized to help you become a valuable and trusted collaborator with the business unit or ownership team?

This session, led by Ciaran McGovern and Andrew Walker of Axiom, will help you arm yourself with a toolbox of innovative thought processes and skills that will give you an edge when working in-house or with organizations. They will identify the attributes that the best lawyers incorporate into their practice, and provide you with the tools needed to tap into them for yourself. Moreover, they will provide you with a roadmap for successfully collaborating with and becoming an integral advisor to the business team.



If you have any questions, please reach out to