Police Surveillance and the Charter

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Live in the Moot Court Room (Jackman 250) or YouTube live stream

Sponsored by McCarthy Tétrault

Members of the Panel

The Honourable Justice Rosalie Abella
Supreme Court of Canada

The Honourable Justice Andromache Karakatsanis
Supreme Court of Canada

The Honourable Justice Mahmud Jamal
Supreme Court of Canada

Grand Mooters

Mackenzie Faulkner and Madeleine Andrew-Gee 


Militza Boljević and Ema Ibraković

Student Co-Chief Justices

Sophie Zhao and Ainslie Pierrynowski


Grand Moot Problem (PDF)

Factum of the Appellant (PDF)              Factum of the Respondent (PDF)