Director: Assistant Dean Sara Faherty (

This program is designed for JD students who are interested in environmental law and policy. The program enables these students to specialize in their area of interest and obtain a form of accreditation for doing so.

The program is run collaboratively by the Faculty of Law and the School of the Environment. In addition to the JD degree, students in the program will receive a certificate issued by the Faculty of Law stating that they have successfully completed the program requirements.


  • In the first year, students will complete all first year courses in the Faculty of Law. In the second and third years, students will complete a minimum of 48 law school credits, including Environmental Law. Students will also:

    1. take the following two ENV core courses:
      1. ENV 1001F - Environmental Decision Making
      2. 1 elective offered by the School of the Environment OR such other courses at the Faculty of Law in consultation with the School of the Environment;
    2. write a research paper (ENV555Y) which counts as a further ENV half course; or complete a directed research project (LAW291H) weighted at no fewer than 2 credits with the approval of the School of the Environment; and
    3. complete an internship (ENV4444Y) or other experiential learning placement approved by the School of the Environment.
  • During all three years of the program students will be registered in the Faculty of Law. They will pay law school tuition and they will be eligible for all forms of assistance under the law school's financial aid program.

Students enrolled in joint programs MUST complete the requirements of both programs in order to graduate in a joint program. No diplomas will be awarded until all the requirements for a joint program are fulfilled.


Students who are in the first year of the JD program may apply for admission to the program by meeting the normal application and admission requirements for the Certificate in Environmental Studies. 

In addition, students must also complete and submit the School of the Environment the Collaborative Program  confirmation form. Please click on the link to access the form. For any inquiries about the Environmental Studies Collaborative Program, please contact the Graduate Administrator