Clara Matheson

Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation

At my Pro Bono placement this summer at the Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation (CERA), I provided one-on-one assistance to people facing discrimination in their search for housing or in their current place of residence.  This involved mediating with landlords to convince them to change their discriminatory policies, and helping my clients file human rights complaints with the Ontario Human Rights Commission.  I also presented human rights workshops to community organizations and housing workers, researched case law in the area of housing and human rights in Ontario, and helped coordinate a volunteer program for CERA. 

I felt that I learned more about human rights and housing this summer working at CERA than I ever could have in a classroom.  The staff at CERA were unbelievably supportive. They always took the time to answer my questions and to explain how the human rights complaint process works. I also learned a lot about the internal workings of non-profit organizations. Furthermore, I appreciated the fact that they encouraged me to put aside time at work to read cases and reports on human rights.  They clearly understood the educational value of working at CERA.  I will never forget my experience at CERA.  In fact, it has inspired me to explore a career in human rights law.